Crack UPSC Exam in The First Attempt?


Those who prepare for the UPSC exam, get excited to crack the exam in the first attempt itself. There is no problem in this, but such candidates do not know how much hard work is required to crack it in the very first attempt, and how to do it.

If you have not yet given the first attempt of UPSC CSE and want to crack UPSC in the first attempt, then in today's article we will provide you with all the relevant information regarding this, on the basis of which you can crack the CSE.

So let's start-

How to Crack UPSC Exam in the First Attempt?

Cracking the Civil Services exam in the first attempt is challenging, but it is possible with the right approach and dedication. Here are some of our tips to help you prepare for the exam to increase your chances of success −

  • Understand The Exam Pattern and Syllabus Properly: After understanding the UPSC syllabus and exam pattern, you will be able to know which topics that need to be covered the most.

  • Make a Study Plan: To crack the Civil Services Examination in the very first attempt, you must make a practical study plan and invite enough time for each and every subject.

  • Read Newspapers Daily: You must make a habit of reading newspapers such as The Hindu or Indian Express, and Times of India. This habit will help you to keep updated with the latest happenings and issues.

  • Use Standard Books and Study Material: You may not start your preparation for the civil services exam with standard books, but you must use standard books throughout the process. Because standard books help you to understand the examples and topics in-depth, which creates a good foundation for you.

  • Try and Practice Writing: UPSC exam lays more emphasis on writing skills. So practice writing answers from previous year’s question papers, and get feedback from experts and peers.

  • Test Yourself Regularly: You must take mock tests regularly, and use practice papers to assess your preparation level and identify your weakness. This exercise will help you to check yourself.

  • Focus on Time Management Skills: In present-day UPSC writing exam is geared towards writing more and writing effective answers in less time, any candidate who is able to do this will definitely make it to the UPSC interview.

  • Keep Yourself Motivated: It sounds very simple but keeping yourself motivated during the whole exam preparation is more difficult than all the steps because your motivation will help you to crack this exam.

You have to remember that cracking the UPSC exam in the first attempt requires consistent hard work and dedication as well as smart preparation. So be patient and keep working towards your goal.

How Much Time Should I Devote to Studying Each Day?

The amount of time you need to devote to UPSC preparation each day can depend on various factors, including your current knowledge, preparation, and level of understanding, as well as the time left before the exam. However, as a general guideline, you should aim to dedicate around 6 to 8 hours daily for Civil Services preparation.

We have provided a sample time table below which will help you to crack the UPSC exam in the very first attempt.


  • 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM - Wake up, freshen up, and do some light exercise or meditation to start your day.

  • 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM - Read a newspaper, make notes on important current affairs, and revise your previous day's notes.

  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM - Start with a subject that you find challenging or need more practice, such as Polity, Economics, or Science & Technology.

  • 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM - Take a 30-minute break, stretch, and have a light snack.


  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Work on a different subject, such as Geography, History, or Environment & Ecology.

  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM - Take a lunch break, relax, and recharge.


  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Continue working on another subject, such as Indian Society, Ethics, or International Relations.

  • 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM - Take a 30-minute break, go for a walk or listen to some music.


  • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM - Practice writing answers to the previous year's questions, and revise your notes for the day.

  • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM - Take a dinner break and spend some time with family or friends.


  • 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM - Work on an optional subject or revise your notes for the day.

  • 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM - Read a book or watch a documentary related to UPSC subjects or current affairs.

  • 10:00 PM - 6:00 AM - Get a good night's sleep and prepare for the next day.

You can make changes to this timetable as per your convenience, and taking regular breaks is going to be very important for you.

What Are the Most Important Books and Resources to Refer to While Preparing?

There are many books and resources available to prepare for UPSC and successfully crack the UPSC exam in the first attempt, but we have listed some important books that you can use.

Indian Polity by M. LaxmikanthNCERT textbooks (Class 6-12) for basic concepts and understanding.
A Brief History of Modern India by Rajiv AhirEconomic Survey and Budget for understanding the government's economic policies.
Geography of India by Majid HusainYojana and Kurukshetra magazines for current affairs related to social, economic, and political issues.
Indian Economy by Ramesh SinghThe Hindu and The Indian Express newspapers for daily news and analysis.
Environment and Ecology by Majid HusainPIB (Press Information Bureau) and PRS (PRS Legislative Research) for government reports and bills.
Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude [that is written by Subba Rao and P.N. Roy Chowdhury]NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) material for environment and ecology.
India's Struggle for Independence by Bipan ChandraShankar IAS Environment and Ecology notes.
International Relations by Pavneet SinghIndia Yearbook by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
India After Gandhi by Ramachandra GuhaAtlas for map-based questions and Geography.
Science and Technology by Ravi P. AgrahariPrevious years' question papers and mock tests for practice and self-assessment.

Is Coaching Necessary for Cracking UPSC in The First Attempt?

To crack the UPSC Civil Services exam in the very first attempt, it is essential to study the UPSC study material with dedication and focus. Usually coaching institutes work to provide this to the candidates, and hence candidates think that coaching is required to clear UPSC in the first attempt, but it is not so.

However, coaching can help you in the following ways −

  • Coaching institutes can help you in doing a structured study.

  • You can take the help of a coaching institute to clear any type of doubt.

  • Coaching institutes help you to study deeply.

  • You can learn time management in coaching.

How Important Is the Optional Subject in The UPSC Exam?

In the Civil Services Examination, the optional subject is an important component of the main examination. It carries a weightage of 500 marks and constitutes one-fourth of the total marks of the main examination. The candidate can choose an optional subject based on his/her interest and specialization from the list of optional subjects provided by UPSC.

You must note that each candidate's optional subject should be selected based on his/her scoring potential, availability of study material, and understanding of the subject.

What Are the Most Important Qualities That a Successful UPSC Candidate Should Possess?

We have given you a list below which must be there in a successful or success-oriented UPSC candidate.

Dedication and Perseverance Strong Analytical Skills
Strong written and verbal communication skills Strong General Knowledge
Time Management Skills Positive Attitude
Adaptability Ethics and Integrity
Emotional Stability Leadership qualities


Q1. How can I effectively revise and remember what I have studied?

Ans. One of the most effective methods for revising and remembering what you have read is the active recall method.

  • This involves recalling information from memory without looking at your notes or textbook.

  • Another effective strategy is to make summary notes of what you have studied and review it regularly.

  • Use mnemonic devices, such as acronyms and visual memory.

Q2. What is the best way to manage my time during the exam?

Ans. The best way to manage your time during the exam is to have a clear strategy and plan to solve each and every lesson in the paper. For this, we have given you some guidelines below −

  • Begin by reading the instructions carefully and time your invite accordingly.

  • Prioritize the questions that you feel confident about, and attempt them first to maximize your score.

  • If you get stuck on a particular question, then move on to the next question.

  • Revise if time remains for it.

  • At the end make sure to give enough time to review your answers and make necessary corrections.

Q3. How can I improve my interview skills?

Ans. To improve your interview skills,

  • Practice answering questions with a friend or mentor who can give you constructive feedback.

  • Research the types of questions commonly asked in UPSC interviews and prepare thoughtful and well-thought-out responses.

  • Also pay attention to your body language as it can affect your performance.

  • Lastly, be confident, honest, and authentic in your answers, and avoid giving rote answers.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023


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