CPU Scheduling Criteria

CPU scheduling is the process of determining which process or task is to be executed by the central processing unit (CPU) at any given time. It is an important component of modern operating systems that allows multiple processes to run simultaneously on a single processor. The CPU scheduler determines the order and priority in which processes are executed and allocates CPU time accordingly, based on various criteria such as CPU utilization, throughput, turnaround time, waiting time, and response time. Efficient CPU scheduling is crucial for optimizing system performance and ensuring that processes are executed in a fair and timely manner.

Importance of CPU Scheduling Criteria

CPU scheduling criteria are important for several reasons −

  • Efficient resource utilization − By maximizing CPU utilization and throughput, CPU scheduling ensures that the processor is being used to its full potential. This leads to increased productivity and efficient use of system resources.

  • Fairness − CPU scheduling algorithms that prioritize waiting time and response time help ensure that all processes have a fair chance to access the CPU. This is important in multi-user environments where multiple users are competing for the same resources.

  • Responsiveness − CPU scheduling algorithms that prioritize response time ensure that processes that require immediate attention (such as user input or real-time systems) are executed quickly, improving the overall responsiveness of the system.

  • Predictability − CPU scheduling algorithms that prioritize turnaround time provide a predictable execution time for processes, which is important for meeting deadlines and ensuring that critical tasks are completed on time.

CPU Scheduling Criteria

There are some CPU scheduling criteria given below −

1. CPU Utilization

CPU utilization is a criterion used in CPU scheduling that measures the percentage of time the CPU is busy processing a task. It is important to maximize CPU utilization because when the CPU is idle, it is not performing any useful work, and this can lead to wasted system resources and reduced productivity.

A high CPU utilization indicates that the CPU is busy and working efficiently, processing as many tasks as possible. However, a too high CPU utilization can also result in a system slowdown due to excessive competition for resources.

Some CPU scheduling algorithms that prioritize CPU utilization include Round Robin, First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS), and Shortest Job First (SJF). These algorithms aim to keep the CPU busy by assigning tasks to the CPU as soon as they are ready.

2. Throughput

Throughput is a criterion used in CPU scheduling that measures the number of tasks or processes completed within a specific period. It is important to maximize throughput because it reflects the efficiency and productivity of the system. A high throughput indicates that the system is processing tasks efficiently, which can lead to increased productivity and faster completion of tasks.

Some CPU scheduling algorithms that prioritize throughput include Round Robin, Shortest Job First (SJF), and Multilevel Queue (MLQ). These algorithms aim to prioritize short and simple tasks to increase the number of completed tasks within a specific period.

Throughput is particularly important in batch processing environments where the goal is to complete as many jobs as possible within a specific time frame. Maximizing throughput can lead to improved system performance and increased productivity.

3. Turnaround Time

Turnaround time is a criterion used in CPU scheduling that measures the time it takes for a task or process to complete from the moment it is submitted to the system until it is fully processed and ready for output. It is important to minimize turnaround time because it reflects the overall efficiency of the system and can affect user satisfaction and productivity.

A short turnaround time indicates that the system is processing tasks quickly and efficiently, leading to faster completion of tasks and improved user satisfaction. On the other hand, a long turnaround time can result in delays, decreased productivity, and user dissatisfaction.

Some CPU scheduling algorithms that prioritize turnaround time include Shortest Job First (SJF), Priority scheduling, and Multilevel Feedback Queue (MLFQ). These algorithms aim to prioritize short and simple tasks or give higher priority to more important tasks, which can lead to shorter turnaround times and improved system efficiency.

4. Waiting Time

Waiting time is a criterion used in CPU scheduling that measures the amount of time a task or process waits in the ready queue before it is processed by the CPU. It is important to minimize waiting time because it reflects the efficiency of the scheduling algorithm and affects user satisfaction.

A short waiting time indicates that tasks are being processed efficiently and quickly, leading to improved user satisfaction and productivity. On the other hand, a long waiting time can result in delays and decreased productivity, leading to user dissatisfaction. Some CPU scheduling algorithms that prioritize waiting time include Shortest Job First (SJF), Priority scheduling, and Multilevel Feedback Queue (MLFQ). These algorithms aim to prioritize short and simple tasks or give higher priority to more important tasks, which can lead to shorter waiting times and improved system efficiency.

5. Response Time

Response time is a criterion used in CPU scheduling that measures the time it takes for the system to respond to a user's request or input. It is important to minimize response time because it affects user satisfaction and the overall efficiency of the system. A short response time indicates that the system is processing tasks quickly and efficiently, leading to improved user satisfaction and productivity. On the other hand, a long response time can result in user frustration and decreased productivity. Some CPU scheduling algorithms that prioritize response time include Round Robin, Priority scheduling, and Multilevel Feedback Queue (MLFQ). These algorithms aim to prioritize tasks that require immediate attention, such as user input, to reduce response time and improve system efficiency.

Importance of selecting the right CPU scheduling algorithm for specific situations

Selecting the right CPU scheduling algorithm for specific situations is crucial because different algorithms prioritize the CPU scheduling criteria differently. Each algorithm has its own strengths and weaknesses, and choosing the wrong algorithm for a particular situation can lead to suboptimal system performance and decreased efficiency.

For example, Round Robin scheduling algorithm is effective in time-sharing systems, where tasks need to be executed in a short amount of time, while Shortest Job First (SJF) scheduling algorithm is effective in batch processing systems, where shorter jobs should be completed first to maximize throughput. Priority scheduling algorithm is useful in real-time systems, where certain tasks need to be given higher priority to ensure timely completion.

Choosing the right CPU scheduling algorithm requires a thorough understanding of the system requirements and the tasks being processed. Factors such as the number of processes, the processing time required, and the urgency of the tasks all affect the choice of algorithm. By selecting the right algorithm, the system can ensure efficient use of system resources, improved productivity, and user satisfaction.


In conclusion, CPU scheduling criteria play a crucial role in optimizing system performance and user satisfaction. By evaluating and prioritizing factors such as CPU utilization, throughput, turnaround time, waiting time, and response time, CPU scheduling algorithms can ensure efficient use of system resources and effective task processing. Choosing the right algorithm for a particular situation is critical for maximizing system efficiency and productivity.

Updated on: 04-Apr-2023

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