C++ Programming Internals?

C++ Internals means how the working of C++ compiler compiling the .cpp code and giving us the output. C++ is a popular programming language mostly used for writing system software. It is an extension of the C programming language. C is a compiled language. The C++ compiler compiles C++ code to an object or executable file is generated. The executable or the binary files contains machine executable instructions and some metadata of the machine instructions.

A typical way of compiling a C++ program is to run the compiler on C++ code. The compiler will generate machine instructions which are set of instructions that a CPU supports. It means that Object Oriented concept is implemented using the machine instructions. Different C++ compilers may use different strategies and may be written in different languages. But the differences are not much and there is a common pattern that every compiler follow.

Person who wants to understand the compiling of code in compiler should understand the C++ internals. Understanding these compiler working often helps you to write good code.

Developer and programmer should know these things who write mix-mode code (C, C++, assembly) then this will be very helpful.

Some of the processes given below are key components of C++ internals like

  • Function Overloading − giving multiple definitions to the same name
  • Class − An entity that holds together data and related functions.
  • Structure − An entity that hold data of different data types
  • Constructor − default function of a class that is called when objects are created.
  • Destructor − default function of a class that is called when objects are destroyed.
  • Inheritance − Concept of using members of one class by another class.
  • Multiple Inheritance (Multiple Base Classes) − single class inherits more than one base class.
  • Multilevel Inheritance − A inherits B that inherits C.
  • Multiple Base Classes − also called multiple inheritance.
  • Virtual functions − function that is defined in the child class.
  • Virtual Bases Class − Prevent multiple instances of same base class.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2019


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