C++ program to remove spaces from a string using String stream

As the given problem says, we need to remove spaces from the string using a string stream. As the name suggests, a string stream converts a string into a stream. It works similar to cin in C++. It associates a string object that can access the string buffer in which it is stored.

string s =" a for apple, b for ball";
res = solve(s);

With a string buffer, we will read each word one by one and then concatenate it into a new string which will be our answer.

Note − The class string stream is available in the sstream header file in c++, so we need to include it.

Let us look at some input/output scenarios

Assume the input taken by the function has no spaces in it, the output result achieved would be the same as the input −

Input: “Tutorialspoint”
Result: “Tutorialspoint”

Assume the input taken by the function has no spaces in it, the output result achieved would be the string void of all the spaces in it −

Input: “Tutorials Point”
Result: “TutorialsPoint”

Assume the input taken by the function has only spaces in it, the method fails to provide an output result −

Input: “ ”


  • Consider an input string with characters.

  • The string is checked to not be empty and using stringstream keyword all the spaces present in the input are removed.

  • This process is done until the stringstream pointer reaches the end of line.

  • If it reaches end of line in the string, the program terminates.

  • The updated string is returned to the output result.


For example, we have a string such as "a for apple, b for a ball," we need to convert that to "aforapple,bforball."

Following a detailed code of removing the spaces from string inputs to make it a stream of characters −

#include <iostream> #include <sstream> using namespace std; string solve(string s) { string answer = "", temp; stringstream ss; ss << s; while(!ss.eof()) { ss >> temp; answer+=temp; } return answer; } int main() { string s ="a for apple, b for ball"; cout << solve(s); return 0; }



Example (Using getline)

We also have another approach using getline to solve the same query in C++.

#include <iostream> #include <sstream> using namespace std; string solve(string s) { stringstream ss(s); string temp; s = ""; while (getline(ss, temp, ' ')) { s = s + temp; } return s; } int main() { string s ="a for apple, b for ball"; cout << solve(s); return 0; }




We see that using string stream, the string is stored in the buffer, and we can get the string word by word and concatenate it, removing spaces.

Updated on: 10-Aug-2022


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