C++ Program to Implement Hash Tables with Linear Probing

A hash table is a data structure which is used to store key-value pairs. Hash function is used by hash table to compute an index into an array in which an element will be inserted or searched.

Linear probing is a collision resolving technique in Open Addressed Hash tables. In this method, each cell of a hash table stores a single key–value pair. If a collision is occurred by mapping a new key to a cell of the hash table that is already occupied by another key. This method searches the table for the following closest free location and inserts the new key there.

This is a C++ Program to Implement Hash Tables with Linear Probing.


For Insert:

   Declare Function Insert(int k, int v)
      int hash_val = HashFunc(k)
      intialize init = -1
      intialize delindex = -1
      while (hash_val != init and
      (ht[hash_val]==DelNode::getNode() or ht[hash_val]
         != NULL and ht[hash_val]->k != k))
         if (init == -1)
            init = hash_val
         if (ht[hash_val] == DelNode::getNode())
            delindex = hash_val
         hash_val = HashFunc(hash_val + 1)
      if (ht[hash_val] == NULL || hash_val == init)
         if(delindex != -1)
            ht[delindex] = new HashTable(k, v)
            ht[hash_val] = new HashTable(k, v)
      if(init != hash_val)
         if (ht[hash_val] != DelNode::getNode())
            if (ht[hash_val] != NULL)
               if (ht[hash_val]->k== k)
                  ht[hash_val]->v = v
            ht[hash_val] = new HashTable(k, v)

For Search a key:

   Declare Function SearchKey(int k)
      int hash_val = HashFunc(k)
      int init = -1
      while (hash_val != init and (ht[hash_val]
         == DelNode::getNode() or ht[hash_val]
         != NULL and ht[hash_val]->k!= k))
            if (init == -1)
               init = hash_val
            hash_val = HashFunc(hash_val + 1)
      if (ht[hash_val] == NULL or hash_val == init)
         return -1
         return ht[hash_val]->v

For Delete:

   Declare Function Remove(int k)
      int hash_val = HashFunc(k)
      intialize init = -1
      while (hash_val != init and (ht[hash_val]
         == DelNode::getNode() or ht[hash_val]
         != NULL and ht[hash_val]->k!= k))
         if (init == -1)
            init = hash_val
         hash_val = HashFunc(hash_val + 1)
      if (hash_val != init && ht[hash_val] != NULL)
         delete ht[hash_val]
         ht[hash_val] = DelNode::getNode()

Example Code

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#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
const int T_S = 5;
class HashTable {
      int k;
      int v;
      HashTable(int k, int v) {
         this->k = k;
         this->v = v;
class DelNode:public HashTable {
      static DelNode *en;
      DelNode():HashTable(-1, -1) {}
      static DelNode *getNode() {
         if (en == NULL)
            en = new DelNode();
         return en;
DelNode *DelNode::en = NULL;
class HashMapTable {
      HashTable **ht;
      HashMapTable() {
         ht = new HashTable* [T_S];
         for (int i = 0; i < T_S; i++) {
            ht[i] = NULL;
      int HashFunc(int k) {
         return k % T_S;
      void Insert(int k, int v) {
         int hash_val = HashFunc(k);
         int init = -1;
         int delindex = -1;
         while (hash_val != init && (ht[hash_val]  == DelNode::getNode() || ht[hash_val] != NULL && ht[hash_val]->k != k)) {
            if (init == -1)
               init = hash_val;
            if (ht[hash_val] == DelNode::getNode())
               delindex = hash_val;
               hash_val = HashFunc(hash_val + 1);
         if (ht[hash_val] == NULL || hash_val == init) {
            if(delindex != -1)
               ht[delindex] = new HashTable(k, v);
               ht[hash_val] = new HashTable(k, v);
         if(init != hash_val) {
            if (ht[hash_val] != DelNode::getNode()) {
               if (ht[hash_val] != NULL) {
                  if (ht[hash_val]->k== k)
                     ht[hash_val]->v = v;
            } else
            ht[hash_val] = new HashTable(k, v);
      int SearchKey(int k) {
         int hash_val = HashFunc(k);
         int init = -1;
         while (hash_val != init && (ht[hash_val] == DelNode::getNode() || ht[hash_val] != NULL && ht[hash_val]->k!= k)) {
            if (init == -1)
               init = hash_val;
               hash_val = HashFunc(hash_val + 1);
         if (ht[hash_val] == NULL || hash_val == init)
            return -1;
            return ht[hash_val]->v;
      void Remove(int k) {
         int hash_val = HashFunc(k);
         int init = -1;
         while (hash_val != init && (ht[hash_val] == DelNode::getNode() || ht[hash_val] != NULL && ht[hash_val]->k!= k)) {
            if (init == -1)
               init = hash_val;
               hash_val = HashFunc(hash_val + 1);
         if (hash_val != init && ht[hash_val] != NULL) {
            delete ht[hash_val];
            ht[hash_val] = DelNode::getNode();
      ~HashMapTable() {
         delete[] ht;
int main() {
   HashMapTable hash;
   int k, v;
   int c;
   while(1) {
      cout<<"1.Insert element into the table"<<endl;
      cout<<"2.Search element from the key"<<endl;
      cout<<"3.Delete element at a key"<<endl;
      cout<<"Enter your choice: ";
      switch(c) {
         case 1:
            cout<<"Enter element to be inserted: ";
            cout<<"Enter key at which element to be inserted: ";
            hash.Insert(k, v);
         case 2:
            cout<<"Enter key of the element to be searched: ";
            if(hash.SearchKey(k) == -1) {
               cout<<"No element found at key "<<k<<endl;
            } else {
               cout<<"Element at key "<<k<<" : ";
         case 3:
            cout<<"Enter key of the element to be deleted: ";
         case 4:
            cout<<"\nEnter correct option\n";
   return 0;


1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 1
Enter element to be inserted: 10
Enter key at which element to be inserted: 2
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 1
Enter element to be inserted: 7
Enter key at which element to be inserted: 6
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 1
Enter element to be inserted: 4
Enter key at which element to be inserted: 5
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 1
Enter element to be inserted: 12
Enter key at which element to be inserted: 3
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 15
Enter correct option
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 1
Enter element to be inserted: 15
Enter key at which element to be inserted: 8
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 2
Enter key of the element to be searched: 6
Element at key 6 : 7
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 3
Enter key of the element to be deleted: 2
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 2
Enter key of the element to be searched: 2
No element found at key 2
1.Insert element into the table
2.Search element from the key
3.Delete element at a key
Enter your choice: 4

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019

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