C++ program to implement ASCII lookup table

In this tutorial, we will be discussing a program to implement ASCII lookup table.

ASCII lookup table is a tabular representation that provides with the octal, hexadecimal, decimal and HTML values of a given character.

The character for the ASCII lookup table includes alphabets, digits, separators and special symbols.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//converting decimal value to octal
int Octal(int decimal){
   int octal = 0;
   string temp = "";
   while (decimal > 0) {
      int remainder = decimal % 8;
      temp = to_string(remainder) + temp;
      decimal /= 8;
   for (int i = 0; i < temp.length(); i++)
      octal = (octal * 10) + (temp[i] - '0');
   return octal;
//converting decimal value to hexadecimal
string Hexadecimal(int decimal){
   string hex = "";
   while (decimal > 0) {
      int remainder = decimal % 16;
      if (remainder >= 0 && remainder <= 9)
         hex = to_string(remainder) + hex;
         hex = (char)('A' + remainder % 10) + hex;
      decimal /= 16;
   return hex;
//converting decimal value to HTML
string HTML(int decimal){
   string html = to_string(decimal);
   html = "&#" + html + ";";
   return html;
//calculating the ASCII lookup table
void ASCIIlookuptable(char ch){
   int decimal = ch;
   cout << "Octal value: " << Octal(decimal) << endl;
   cout << "Decimal value: " << decimal << endl;
   cout << "Hexadecimal value: " << Hexadecimal(decimal) <<
   cout << "HTML value: " << HTML(decimal);
int main(){
   char ch = 'a';
   return 0;


Octal value: 141
Decimal value: 97
Hexadecimal value: 61
HTML value: a

Updated on: 03-Dec-2019


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