C++ Program to check if tank will overflow, underflow or filled in given time

Given with the rate of filling the tank, height of a tank and radius of a tank and the task is to check whether the tank is overflow, underflow and filled in given time.


Input-: radius = 2, height = 5, rate = 10
Output-: tank overflow
Input-: radius = 5, height = 10, rate = 10
Output-: tank undeflow

Approach used below is as follows

  • Input the rate of filling time, height and radius of a tank
  • Calculate the volume of a tank to find the original rate of flow of water.
  • Check for the conditions to determine the result
    • If expected < original than tank will overflow
    • If expected > original than tank will underflow
    • If expected = original than tank will fill on time
  • Print the resultant output


Step 1->declare function to calculate volume of tank
   float volume(int rad, int height)
   return ((22 / 7) * rad * 2 * height)
step 2-> declare function to check for overflow, underflow and filled
   void check(float expected, float orignal)
      IF (expected < orignal)
         Print "tank overflow"
      Else IF (expected > orignal)
         Print "tank underflow"
         print "tank filled"
Step 3->Int main()
   Set int rad = 2, height = 5, rate = 10
   Set float orignal = 70.0
   Set float expected = volume(rad, height) / rate
   Call check(expected, orignal)


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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
//calculate volume of tank
float volume(int rad, int height) {
   return ((22 / 7) * rad * 2 * height);
//function to check for overflow, underflow and filled
void check(float expected, float orignal) {
   if (expected < orignal)
      cout << "tank overflow";
   else if (expected > orignal)
      cout << "tank underflow";
      cout << "tank filled";
int main() {
   int rad = 2, height = 5, rate = 10;
   float orignal = 70.0;
   float expected = volume(rad, height) / rate;
   check(expected, orignal);
   return 0;


tank overflow

Updated on: 18-Oct-2019


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