C++ Program to Add Two Distances (in inch-feet) System Using Structures

A structure is a collection of items of different data types. It is very useful in creating complex data structures with different data type records. A structure is defined with the struct keyword.

An example of a structure is as follows −

struct DistanceFI {
   int feet;
   int inch;

The above structure defines a distance in the form of feet and inches.

A program to add two distances in inch-feet using a structure in C++ is given as follows −


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#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
struct DistanceFI {
   int feet;
   int inch;
int main() {
   struct DistanceFI distance1, distance2, distance3;
   cout << "Enter feet of Distance 1: "<<endl;
   cin >> distance1.feet;
   cout << "Enter inches of Distance 1: "<<endl;
   cin >> distance1.inch;

   cout << "Enter feet of Distance 2: "<<endl;
   cin >> distance2.feet;
   cout << "Enter inches of Distance 2: "<<endl;
   cin >> distance2.inch;

   distance3.feet = distance1.feet + distance2.feet;
   distance3.inch = distance1.inch + distance2.inch;

   if(distance3.inch > 12) {
      distance3.inch = distance3.inch - 12;
   cout << endl << "Sum of both distances is " << distance3.feet << " feet and " << distance3.inch << " inches";
   return 0;


The output of the above program is as follows

Enter feet of Distance 1: 5
Enter inches of Distance 1: 9
Enter feet of Distance 2: 2
Enter inches of Distance 2: 6
Sum of both distances is 8 feet and 3 inches

In the above program, the structure DistanceFI is defined that contains the distance in feet and inches. This is given below −

struct DistanceFI{
   int feet;
   int inch;

The values of both distances to be added are acquired from the user. This is given below −

cout << "Enter feet of Distance 1: "<<endl;
cin >> distance1.feet;
cout << "Enter inches of Distance 1: "<<endl;
cin >> distance1.inch;

cout << "Enter feet of Distance 2: "<<endl;
cin >> distance2.feet;
cout << "Enter inches of Distance 2: "<<endl;
cin >> distance2.inch;

The feet and inches of the two distances are added individually. If the inches are greater than 12, then 1 is added to the feet and 12 is subtracted from the inches. This is done because 1 feet = 12 inches. The code snippet for this is given below −

distance3.feet = distance1.feet + distance2.feet;
distance3.inch = distance1.inch + distance2.inch;
if(distance3.inch > 12) {
   distance3.inch = distance3.inch - 12;

Finally the value of feet and inches in the added distance is displayed. This is given below −

cout << endl << "Sum of both distances is " << distance3.feet << " feet and " << distance3.inch << " inches";

Updated on: 25-Jun-2020


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