C++ Balanced expression with replacement

A balanced expression of parentheses is an expression that contains pairs of all sort of parentheses together in a correct order.this means that for every opening parentheses there is a closing parentheses in proper order of parentheses i.e. { }.

let's take a few examples to understand the concept better −

Expression − {([][]{})({}[]{})}

Output − balanced

Explanation − we can see that for every opening parentheses there is a closing parentheses. all the parentheses lying between an opening parentheses and closing parentheses in Pairs.

Output − not balance

Explanation − there are some unordered pairs of parentheses which makes the the expression unbalanced.

In this problem called balance expression with replacement, we are given a string that contains an expression of these brackets ‘{’ , ‘}’ , ‘[’ , ‘]’ , ‘(’ , ‘)’ . there are some places where the brackets are missing and “*” is placed instead of it. And we have to check that weather on replacing all the asterisk symbols with appropriate brackets can the given expression is is able to become a valid expression.


Input  − exp = “{[*(*)]}”

Output  − the expression can be balanced

Explanation  − There are two symbols that need to be replaced. And on replacement will become {[(())]}

Input  − exp = “[(*){}{{}}]”

Output  − the expression cannot be balanced

Explanation − There is one symbol that need to be replaced. And on replacement of * with any of the brackets the expression cannot be balanced.

Now since we have a clear understanding of the problem, we can generate a solution for this problem. To check whether a given parentheses expression will be balanced or not we will use stack data structure to perform our tasks.

The operation that are performed to accomplish this task are −

  • Traverse every element of the string expression and do −

  • When an opening bracket is encountered in the expression i.e ‘{’ , ‘[’ , ‘(’ , push the element in the stack.

  • When a closing bracket is encountered in the expression i.e. ‘}’ , ‘]’ , ‘)’. Pop the element at the top of the stack and check if this is a matching opening for the encountered closing bracket.

    • If both parentheses matched, then move to the next element of the expression (step 1).

    • If both parentheses do not match, then the expression is not balanced.

  • When an * is encountered in the expression which can be an opening as well as closing bracket. Then,

    • First treat it as opening bracket and push it into the stack and find a matching closing bracket using recursive call for the next element. If this results in fasle, follow the next step

    • Treat it as closing bracket , it must match the top of stack then pop the top of stack.

    • It the closing value of * does not match an opening return not balanced.

  • Print the statement based on the outcome.


Based on this solution let’s create a program

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int isMatching(char a, char b){
   if ((a == '{' &amp; b == '}') || (a == '[' &amp; b == ']') || (a == '(' &amp; b == ')') || a == '*')
      return 1;
   return 0;
int isBalancedexpression(string s, stack<char> ele, int ind){
   if (ind == s.length())
      return ele.empty();
   char topEle;
   int res;
   if (s[ind] == '{' || s[ind] == '(' || s[ind] == '[') {
      return isBalancedexpression(s, ele, ind + 1);
   else if (s[ind] == '}' || s[ind] == ')' || s[ind] == ']') {
      if (ele.empty())
         return 0;
      topEle = ele.top();
      if (!isMatching(topEle, s[ind]))
         return 0;
      return isBalancedexpression(s, ele, ind + 1);
   else if (s[ind] == '*') {
      stack<char> tmp = ele;
      res = isBalancedexpression(s, tmp, ind + 1);
      if (res)
         return 1;
      if (ele.empty())
         return 0;
      return isBalancedexpression(s, ele, ind + 1);
int main(){
   string s = "{[*(*)]}";
   stack ele;
   if (isBalancedexpression(s, ele, 0))
      cout << "Balanced";
      cout << "Not Balanced";
   return 0;



Updated on: 09-Jul-2020


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