Count of strings satisfying the given conditions


A string in C++ is also a primitive data type which is comprised of alphanumeric characters. The letters in a string are case sensitive, but strings can contain both upper and lower case.

In this article, we are given an input array of lowercase strings, and require the count of the pair of strings from the array satisfying the following conditions −

  • Both the strings should have the same first and last vowel

  • Both the strings have an equal number of pairs

An array is a data structure simulating the storage of similar elements. A C++ array must satisfy the following properties −

  • All the elements in an array must belong to the same data type

  • An array is associated with a fixed length

Here, is an example to get an idea about the asked question,

Sample Example

Example 1 - arr : { “bitch” , “glitch” , “bitter”, “ditch”}

Output - 1

Explanation - The pair of strings satisfying the conditions are “bitch” and “glitch” which have the vowel {i}. The first and last vowel in these strings are also ‘i’ which are equivalent. The string “ditch” also satisfies the condition, but it has already been included in a valid pair.

The method used for solving this problem is character checking and then maintaining a tuple in C++ to store the counts of vowels.


make_tuple ( val1, val2, val3..)

The make_tuple() function in C++ is used to construct the objects of specified types of the tuple. It is used to assign values to a tuple in the map. The values are assigned in the order of their declaration.


val1, val2 , .. - The values to be assigned to tuple in the map.

Another method used during the evaluation of this approach is −

push_back( val1)

The push_back() in-built method is used to insert elements into C++ data objects, like vectors or maps. The insertion always takes place from the end. Upon every insertion the size of the object increases by one. The method gets executed in constant time complexity.


val - The values to be inserted to the C++ object.


  • A sample string array, arr is taken as input

  • A map map is maintained to store the tuples of words satisfying the required conditions

  • An iteration over the arr is performed using a for loop, i

  • - During every iteration, a vector of characters, vec is stored to keep a track on the extracted vowels of the word being taken from the array, arr

  • The particular word of the array, is referenced using the word variable.

  • Another loop iteration, j is performed over the extracted array word. Every time, the particular character is extracted from the word, and checked if it is a vowel or a consonant

  • In case, the extracted character is vowel, it is pushed in vec.

  • In case, the vec is non empty, that is there are vowels, the first and last vowel is extracted from the current word i.

  • A tuple is constructed in the map using the extracted vowels and the total number of vowels in the ith word and then mapping it to the ith index. The created tuple is then added to the end of the map using the push_back() method.

  • An iteration of the map is performed

  • The pairs that are possible to be formed up using the tuple pairs in the map are counted.

  • The count of pairs is then returned as the output, reflected by the count variable.


The following C++ code snippet illustrates the process of counting the strings satisfying the following conditions −

//include the required libraries
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

//count number of pairs satisfying the cond
int satisfycondn(string sarr[], int n){
   //declaring map to store tuples
    map<tuple<char, char, int>, vector<int> > map;
   // For every string of the array
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      //storing vowels of the extracted word
      vector<char> vec;
      //extracting the word 
      string word = sarr[i];
      for (int j = 0; j < word.size(); j++) {
         char ch = sarr[i][j];
         //checking if the character is vowel
         if (ch=='a' || ch=='e' || ch=='i' || ch=='o' || ch=='u')
      int numvowels =  vec.size();
      // If current string contains vowels
      if (numvowels > 0) {
      int frstvowel = vec[0];
      int scndvowel =  vec[numvowels - 1];
      map[make_tuple(frstvowel,  scndvowel, numvowels)]
   //maintaining a count to store the pair of strings satisfying the cond 
   int count = 0;
   //iterating over the map 
   for (auto m : map) {
      vector<int> v = m.second;
      //getting the valid pair of size 
      int v_size = v.size();
      //incrementing the counter
       count += v_size / 2;
   return count;
int main() {
   //declaring a sample array
   string arr[] = { "point", "coin","groin","foul","area", "mourn" };  
   int n =   sizeof(arr) / sizeof(string);
   cout << "Count of strings satisfying the condition : "<<satisfycondn(arr,n);
   return 0;


Count of strings satisfying the condition − 2

Explanation − There are two pairs of strings in the array satisfying the condition − {point, coin} and { foul, mourn”}

The first pair of strings have vowels 2 each and are o , i respectively.

The second pair of strings have 2 vowels each and are o , u respectively.


Maps in C++ are quite versatile data structures used to store data and their associated attributes in a much friendlier way. It simplifies the access of the data according to the specified conditions.

Updated on: 31-Jul-2023


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