Count all perfect divisors of a number in C++

In this tutorial, we will be discussing a program to find the number of all perfect divisors of a number.

For this we will be provided with a number. Our task is to count all the perfect divisors of that given number.


using namespace std;
//checking perfect square
bool if_psquare(int n){
   int sq = (int) sqrt(n);
   return (n == sq * sq);
//returning count of perfect divisors
int count_pdivisors(int n){
   int count = 0;
   for (int i=1; i*i <= n; ++i){
      if (n%i == 0){
         if (if_psquare(i))
         if (n/i != i && if_psquare(n/i))
   return count;
int main(){
   int n = 16;
   cout << "Total perfect divisors of " << n << " = " << count_pdivisors(n) << "\n";
   n = 12;
   cout << "Total perfect divisors of " << n << " = " << count_pdivisors(n);
   return 0;


Total perfect divisors of 16 = 3
Total perfect divisors of 12 = 2

Updated on: 10-Feb-2020


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