Convolution Property of Fourier Transform – Statement, Proof & Examples

Fourier Transform

The Fourier transform of a continuous-time function 𝑥(𝑡) can be defined as,

$$\mathrm{X(\omega)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}x(t)e^{-j\omega t}dt}$$

Convolution Property of Fourier Transform

Statement – The convolution of two signals in time domain is equivalent to the multiplication of their spectra in frequency domain. Therefore, if


Then, according to time convolution property of Fourier transform,



The convolution of two continuous time signals 𝑥1(𝑡) and 𝑥2(𝑡) is defined as,


Now, from the definition of Fourier transform, we have,

$$\mathrm{X(\omega)=F[x_1(t)*x_2(t)]=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}[x_1(t)*x_2(t)]e^{-j \omega t}dt}$$

$$\mathrm{\Rightarrow F[x_1(t)*x_2(t)]=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}[\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}x_1(\tau)x_2(t-\tau)d\tau]e^{-j \omega t}dt }$$

By interchanging the order of integration, we get,

$$\mathrm{\Rightarrow F[x_1(t)*x_2(t)]=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}x_1(\tau)[\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}x_{2}(t-\tau)e^{-j \omega t}dt]d\tau }$$

By replacing (𝑡 − 𝜏) = 𝑢 in the second integration, we get,

$$\mathrm{t = (u + \tau)\: and\: dt = du}$$

$$\mathrm{\therefore F[x_1(t)*x_2(t)]=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}x_1(\tau)[\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}x_{2}(u)e^{-j \omega (u+\tau)}du]d\tau}$$

$$\mathrm{\Rightarrow F[x_1(t)*x_2(t)]=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}x_1(\tau)[\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}x_{2}(u)e^{-j \omega u}du]e^{-j\omega \tau}d\tau}$$

$$\mathrm{\Rightarrow F[x_1(t)*x_2(t)]=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}x_1(\tau)X_2(\omega)e^{-j\omega\tau}d\tau.}$$

$$\mathrm{\Rightarrow F[x_1(t)*x_2(t)]=[\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}x_{1}(\tau)e^{-j\omega \tau}d\tau]X_{2}(\omega)-X_{1}(\omega).X_{2}(\omega)}$$

$$\mathrm{\therefore F[x_1(t)*x_2(t)]=X_1(\omega).X_2(\omega)}$$

Or, it can also be represented as,


Numerical Example

Using Fourier transform, find the convolution of the signals given by,





The Fourier transform of 𝑥1(𝑡) is,




The Fourier transform of 𝑥2(𝑡) is,


Now, according to the convolution property of Fourier transform, we have,




By taking partial fractions, we get,



On solving this, we get the values of A, B, C and D as

$$\mathrm{𝐴 = −2;\: 𝐵 = 1;\: 𝐶 = 2; \:𝐷 = 1}$$

$$\mathrm{\therefore X(\omega)=\frac{1}{(1+j\omega)^2.(2+j\omega)^2}}$$


By taking inverse Fourier transform, we get the convolution of signals 𝑥1(𝑡) and 𝑥2(𝑡) as,


Updated on: 06-Dec-2021

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