Convert set into a list in Python

As part of data analysis using Python we may be required to to convert the data container from set to list. In this article we'll see e how to solve this requirement.

With list

This is a straightforward approach in which we directly apply the list function on the given set. The elements get converted into elements of a list.


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setA = {'Mon', 'day', '7pm'}
# Given Set
print("Given set : \n", setA)
res = (list(setA) )
# Result
print("Final list: \n",res)


Running the above code gives us the following result −

Given set :
['7pm', 'Mon', 'day']
Final list:
['7pm', 'Mon', 'day']

With *

The star operator can take in the list and by applying the square brackets around it we get a list.


setA = {'Mon', 'day', '7pm'}
# Given Set
print("Given set : \n", setA)
res = [*setA, ]
# Result
print("Final list: \n",res)


Running the above code gives us the following result −

Given set :
{'Mon', '7pm', 'day'}
Final list:
['Mon', '7pm', 'day']

Updated on: 20-May-2020


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