Convert distance from km to meters and centimeters in PL/SQL

The task is to convert the distance from kilometers to meters and centimeters in PL/SQL.PL/SQL is the extension of SQL which combines the Data manipulation of SQL with the working of procedural language.

According to the problem we should have distance in kilometers whose value we have to convert in meters and centimeters.

As per the conversion rule −

1km = 1000 meters

1km = 100000 centimeters

According to this conversion rule we want the distance to be converted by a logic in PL/SQL.


Input: kilometer = 10
Output: meter = 10000
   Centimeter = 1000000
Input: kilometer = 9
Output: meter = 9000
   Centimeter = 900000

Approach we will be using

  • Take the value of the kilometers as an input.

  • Multiply the value of kilometers by 1000 then store and print the result in meters.

  • Multiply the value of meters by 100 then store and print the result in centimeters.


      KM NUMBER := 4.5;
      meter NUMBER := 0;
      Cem NUMBER := 0;
      meter := km * 1000;
      Cem := meter * 100;
      dbms_output.Put_line('The value of 4.5 KM to meters is: ' ||meter);
      dbms_output.Put_line('The value of 4.5 KM to centimeters is: ' ||cem);


If we run the above code it will generate the following output −

The value of 4.5 KM to meters is: 4500
The value of 4.5 KM to centimeters is: 450000

Updated on: 15-May-2020


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