Convert dictionary object into string in Python

For data manipulation in python we may come across situation to convert a dictionary object into a string object. This can be achieved in the following ways.

with str()

In this straight forward method we simple apply the str() by passing the dictionary object as a parameter. We can check the type of the objects using the type() before and after conversion.


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DictA = {"Mon": "2 pm","Wed": "9 am","Fri": "11 am"}
print("Given dictionary : \n", DictA)
print("Type : ", type(DictA))
# using str
res = str(DictA)
# Print result
print("Result as string:\n", res)
print("Type of Result: ", type(res))


Running the above code gives us the following result −

Given dictionary :
{'Mon': '2 pm', 'Wed': '9 am', 'Fri': '11 am'}
Type :
Result as string:
{'Mon': '2 pm', 'Wed': '9 am', 'Fri': '11 am'}
Type of Result:

With json.dumps

The json module gives us dumps method. Through this method the dictionary object is directly converted into string.


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import json
DictA = {"Mon": "2 pm","Wed": "9 am","Fri": "11 am"}
print("Given dictionary : \n", DictA)
print("Type : ", type(DictA))
# using str
res = json.dumps(DictA)
# Print result
print("Result as string:\n", res)
print("Type of Result: ", type(res))


Running the above code gives us the following result −

Given dictionary :
{'Mon': '2 pm', 'Wed': '9 am', 'Fri': '11 am'}
Type :
Result as string:
{"Mon": "2 pm", "Wed": "9 am", "Fri": "11 am"}
Type of Result:

Updated on: 20-May-2020


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