Contiguous memory allocation


Contiguous memory allocation is a memory management technique used by operating systems to allocate memory to processes in contiguous blocks. In this technique, a process is allocated a single block of memory that is contiguous or adjacent to each other. This ensures that memory is efficiently utilized, with minimal fragmentation and wasted memory. Contiguous memory allocation is a widely used technique in modern operating systems and has several advantages, including efficient memory utilization, fast access to memory, and simple management. However, it also has some limitations, such as the possibility of external fragmentation, large block requirements, and fixed block size limitations. Despite its limitations, contiguous memory allocation remains an important and widely used technique in modern operating systems.

Definition of contiguous memory allocation

Continuous memory allocation is a memory management technique in which memory is allocated to processes in contiguous blocks. This ensures that memory is utilized efficiently, with minimal fragmentation and wasted memory. The technique simplifies memory management by allowing the operating system to manage memory in larger blocks, leading to faster access to memory and improved system performance. Overall, continuous memory allocation is an important technique used by operating systems to efficiently manage memory resources and ensure that memory is effectively utilized.

Purpose of memory management techniques

The purpose of contiguous memory allocation in operating systems is to efficiently manage the memory resources available on a computer system. By allocating memory to processes in contiguous blocks, this technique ensures that the memory is utilized efficiently, with minimal fragmentation and wasted memory. This results in faster access to memory, as contiguous blocks of memory can be accessed more quickly than non-contiguous blocks.

Additionally, contiguous memory allocation simplifies memory management by allowing the operating system to manage memory in larger blocks rather than small, fragmented pieces. This reduces the overhead associated with managing multiple memory blocks, leading to faster system performance.

Overall, the purpose of contiguous memory allocation is to ensure that memory is efficiently utilized and effectively managed, resulting in improved system performance and faster access to memory. This is particularly important for applications with high memory requirements, such as multimedia editing and gaming, and for systems with a small number of processes that require fast access to memory.

Characteristics of Contiguous Memory Allocation

Contiguous memory allocation is a memory management technique that divides memory into contiguous blocks, where each block is assigned to a single process. Here are some of the characteristics of contiguous memory allocation −

Contiguous blocks: Memory is divided into contiguous blocks, with each block being assigned to a single process. This means that the memory allocated to a process is a single, contiguous block of memory.

  • Efficient use of memory − Contiguous memory allocation is efficient in terms of memory utilization, as there is no internal fragmentation within a process's allocated memory block.

  • Easy to manage − Contiguous memory allocation is easy to manage, as the operating system can quickly allocate and deallocate memory to processes by assigning contiguous blocks.

  • External fragmentation − One of the main drawbacks of contiguous memory allocation is external fragmentation, which occurs when small gaps of free memory are scattered throughout the memory space. Over time, these small gaps can accumulate and result in larger portions of memory becoming unusable, even though the total amount of free memory may be sufficient to satisfy a request for memory.

  • Compaction − To address external fragmentation, operating systems may use techniques such as compaction, where the operating system rearranges memory blocks to eliminate gaps and consolidate free memory into larger contiguous blocks.

Overall, contiguous memory allocation is an efficient and easy-to-manage memory management technique, but it may suffer from external fragmentation over time. Operating systems may use various techniques to reduce external fragmentation and ensure that memory is utilized effectively.

Advantages of Contiguous Memory Allocation

  • Efficient memory utilization − Contiguous memory allocation is efficient in terms of memory utilization, as there is no internal fragmentation within a process's allocated memory block.

  • Simple and easy to manage − This technique is simple and easy to manage, as the operating system can quickly allocate and deallocate memory to processes by assigning contiguous blocks.

  • Fast access − Since the memory is allocated in contiguous blocks, access to the memory is faster than other memory management techniques.

Disadvantages of Contiguous Memory Allocation

  • External Fragmentation − One of the main disadvantages of contiguous memory allocation is external fragmentation, which occurs when small gaps of free memory are scattered throughout the memory space.

  • Limited memory capacity − Contiguous memory allocation is limited by the size of the memory blocks available on the system, which may limit the total amount of memory that can be allocated to a process.

  • Difficulty in sharing memory − This technique makes it difficult to share memory between multiple processes, as each process is assigned a contiguous block of memory that cannot be shared with other processes.

  • Lack of flexibility − Contiguous memory allocation lacks flexibility in allocating and deallocating memory, as the operating system can only allocate memory in contiguous blocks.

In summary, while contiguous memory allocation has advantages such as efficient memory utilization and simple management, it also has disadvantages such as external fragmentation and a lack of flexibility in allocating memory. As a result, operating systems must carefully consider the needs of the processes and system requirements when selecting memory management techniques.


In conclusion, contiguous memory allocation is a widely used memory management technique in modern operating systems. It efficiently allocates memory to processes in contiguous blocks, minimizing fragmentation and wasted memory. This technique ensures faster access to memory and simpler memory management, resulting in improved system performance. However, it also has some limitations, such as the possibility of external fragmentation and fixed block size limitations. Despite these limitations, contiguous memory allocation remains an important technique, particularly for applications with high memory requirements and systems with a small number of processes that require fast access to memory.

Updated on: 06-Apr-2023

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