Console.TreatControlCAsInput Property in C# with Examples

The Console.TreatControlCAsInput property in C# is a crucial component of the Console class that allows developers to handle input in a more flexible manner. This article will dive deep into the Console.TreatControlCAsInput property, helping you understand its purpose, usage, and providing practical examples.

Understanding Console.TreatControlCAsInput Property

Before we proceed, let's understand what the Console.TreatControlCAsInput property is. This property gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the combination of the Control modifier key and C console key (Ctrl+C) is treated as ordinary input or as an interruption that is handled by the operating system.

By default, when the user presses Ctrl+C, the operating system treats this as a signal to interrupt the execution of the current process. However, by setting the Console.TreatControlCAsInput property to true, we can override this behavior and instead treat Ctrl+C as ordinary input, just like any other keyboard input.

Here is an example of setting the Console.TreatControlCAsInput property −

Console.TreatControlCAsInput = true;

Practical Usage of Console.TreatControlCAsInput

To illustrate how Console.TreatControlCAsInput works, let's create a simple console application that reads user input until the user types "exit".


using System;

class Program {
   static void Main() {
      Console.TreatControlCAsInput = true;

      string input;
      do {
         input = Console.ReadLine();
      } while (input != "exit");

In this code, after setting Console.TreatControlCAsInput to true, the user can type Ctrl+C without interrupting the execution of the program. The program will only exit when the user types "exit".

Considerations and Limitations

While the Console.TreatControlCAsInput property is quite useful, there are a few things to keep in mind −

  • If your application relies on the operating system's handling of Ctrl+C to stop execution, you should not set Console.TreatControlCAsInput to true.

  • This property only affects the Ctrl+C combination. Other control sequences, such as Ctrl+Break, will still be handled by the operating system.


The Console.TreatControlCAsInput property in C# is a powerful tool that gives developers control over how the Ctrl+C key combination is handled. By understanding and properly using this property, you can create console applications that provide a more flexible and user-friendly input experience.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023


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