Connecting From Docker Containers to Resources in Host


Docker is a popular platform that enables users to run and manage applications inside containers. Docker containers provide a lightweight and efficient way of isolating applications and their dependencies from underlying host system. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to connect from a Docker container to resources in host system. This article will discuss various ways to connect from Docker containers to resources in host.

Accessing Host System

By default, Docker containers are isolated from host system. This means that they cannot access any resources in host system unless specific configuration is done. following are some ways to access host system from Docker containers.

Using Host Network

By default, Docker containers are isolated from host system and other containers. This means that they are not accessible from host system or other containers. However, you can configure a Docker container to use host network, which means that it will have same network interface as host system. This enables container to access resources in host system as if it were running on host system itself.

To use host network, you can use "--network=host" option when running Docker container. For example, to run a Docker container that uses host network, you can run following command −

docker run --network=host my-container

Using Docker Host IP Address

Another way to connect from a Docker container to resources in host system is by using IP address of Docker host. By default, Docker containers are assigned IP addresses from a private network range, and they cannot access host system directly. However, Docker host has its own IP address, which can be used by containers to access resources in host system.

To get IP address of Docker host, you can use following command −

$ docker-machine ip default

Once you have IP address of Docker host, you can use it to access resources in host system. For example, if you want to access a web server running on host system, you can use following URL in your Docker container −

Mounting Host Volumes

Another way to connect from a Docker container to resources in host system is by mounting host volumes. When you mount a host volume, you are essentially creating a shared folder between host system and Docker container. This enables container to access files and directories on host system as if they were part of container itself.

To mount a host volume, you can use "-v" option when running Docker container. For example, to run a Docker container that mounts a directory from host system, you can run following command −

docker run -v /path/to/host/directory:/container/directory my-container

In this example, "/path/to/host/directory" directory on host system is mounted to "/container/directory" directory in Docker container.

Using Environment Variables

Another way to connect from a Docker container to resources in host system is by using environment variables. Environment variables are a way of passing information from host system to Docker container. They can be used to specify configuration settings, such as database credentials, API keys, or other sensitive information that container needs to access.

To use environment variables, you can use "-e" option when running Docker container. For example, to run a Docker container that uses an environment variable to connect to a database on host system, you can run following command −

docker run -e DB_HOST=my-host -e DB_PORT=3306 my-container

In this example, Docker container uses "DB_HOST" and "DB_PORT environment variables to connect to a database running on host system.

Here are some additional ways to connect from Docker containers to resources in host −

Using Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It allows you to specify configuration for each container in a YAML file, including network settings, volumes, environment variables, and more. Docker Compose also makes it easy to connect containers to each other and to resources in host system.

For example, you can use "network_mode: host" option in Docker Compose YAML file to use host network for a container. You can also use "volumes" and "environment" options to mount host volumes and set environment variables, respectively.

Using Docker APIs

Docker provides APIs for programmatically managing containers, images, and other resources. You can use these APIs to interact with Docker from within a container and to access resources in host system. For example, you can use Docker Remote API to start, stop, and manage containers from within a container. You can also use Docker SDK for Python, Go, and other programming languages to interact with Docker from within a container.

Using SSH Tunnels

SSH tunnels provide a secure way to connect from a Docker container to resources in host system. You can use SSH to create a tunnel between Docker container and a port on host system, allowing you to access resources on host system through tunnel. This method is especially useful for accessing resources on a remote host or in a different network.

To create an SSH tunnel, you can use "ssh" command with "-L" option to forward a local port to a remote host and port. For example, following command forwards port 3306 on Docker container to port 3306 on host system −

ssh -L 3306:localhost:3306 user@host

Once tunnel is established, you can access resources on host system through local port on Docker container.


In conclusion, connecting from Docker containers to resources in host can be done in several ways. These include using host network, Docker host IP address, mounting host volumes, and using environment variables. It is essential to carefully consider security implications of these methods, especially when accessing sensitive resources on host system. Overall, Docker provides a flexible and powerful platform for running and managing applications, and with right configuration, it can also seamlessly integrate with resources in host system.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2023

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