Computer-based control in Database

This article will provide a broad review of computer-based controls before moving into the computer-based controls in databases available in a multi-user database system. Let's discuss all of them one by one.

A group of security procedures called computer-based controls are used in DBMSs to safeguard the database against illegal access, alteration, or destruction. These safeguards are intended to guarantee that the database can only be accessed by authorized users and that the data is safe from accidental or deliberate destruction.

Physical controls and administrative processes are only a couple of the several remedies available to deal with threats to computer systems. Despite the wide variety of computer-based protections already in place, it is important to keep in mind that, in most cases, a DBMS's security is only slightly better than that of the operating system because of their close relationship.

There is a computer-based control in the database −

The majority of them are on this list.

  • Authorization and Authentication

  • Access controls

  • Views

  • Backup and Recovery

  • Integrity

  • Encryption and Decryption

  • RAID tools

Let’s Discuss it one by one −

Authentication and authorization

  • The granting of rights or privileges is necessary for a subject (user) to have authorized access to a system or a system's object.

  • The program can include permission limitations to restrict both the user's access to and usage of specific system species.

  • Authentication calls for the verification of persons making access requests to objects.

  • Users must authenticate their identities in order to access databases and be recognized by the database management system.

  • User authentication in a database environment needs two components.

    • User ID

    • Authentication token

  • The security component uses the user ID to verify the user identify after receiving the proper authentication token (a password known only to the user). When a user is correctly authenticated, the authentication user ID is translated to an authentication ID.

Access Controls

A database system's access restrictions can be configured, for example, by giving and removing privileges. A privilege authorizes the creation of or access to database objects like tables, views, indexes, and so on.


  • The major objective of this tactic is to offer a flexible and dependable security solution by excluding certain users from seeing certain portions of the database.

  • A view is an illustration of a virtual table.

  • A view does not contain any data; rather, it acts as a window through which data from tables may be seen or changed.

  • A view's foundational databases are simple tables.

Backup and recovery

  • When a database and its log file are frequently duplicated to the offline storage medium, this is known as a backup.

  • Using the backup copy and the information gathered in the log file, the database is returned to its prior condition.


  • Data integrity in a database system refers to the accuracy, consistency, and completeness of the data.

  • Another example is the security of this database. In a relational database system, data integrity can be protected by applying integrity rules or constraints.

  • There is no loss of data consistency regardless of database modifications.

Encryption and decryption

  • Encryption is a method used to safeguard sensitive data while it is transferred across a network, such as credit card details.

  • Encryption can be used to give extra security protection for critical database parts if the DBMS's default security method is insufficient.

  • If data is not encrypted, it is referred to as plain text.

  • Data that has been encrypted is referred to as ciphertext.

  • Encryption is the process of transforming plain text into encrypted text.

  • Decryption is the process of turning an encrypted message into plain text.

RAID Software

  • RAID is the abbreviation for "Redundant Array of Independent Disks". The hardware on which the database management system runs must be fault-tolerant since it must function even if one of the hardware components fails.

  • RAID originally stood for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks; however, later on, the letter "I" in RAID came to stand for independence.

  • RAID levels relate to the many possible disc configurations.

RAID level



Striping without parity or mirroring at the block level


Mirroring without parity or striping


Error-correcting bit-level striping The Hamming code


Striping with dedicated parity at the byte level


Striping with dedicated parity at the block level


Striping using distributed parity at the block level.


Striping at the block level with double distributed parity.


Computer-based control in databases is necessary to maintain the data's integrity, confidentiality, and availability. It helps to stop unauthorized access, data loss, and corruption by ensuring that the data is accurate and consistent. It is a must for every business that wants to ensure the privacy and security of its data.

Updated on: 07-Sep-2023


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