Complete Introduction to Alteryx

Alteryx is a user-friendly Data analytics platform. It is a robust data analytics and processing platform that enables users to extract, transform and process data from multiple sources and perform complex computation and analysis using a drag-and-drop interface. The reason behind the tool’s wide usage and fame is its no-code implementation of data preparation and analysis which streamlines business analysis in corporates.

Getting Started with Alteryx

Alteryx Designer is used for creating workflows for analyzing, blending data, and performing advanced analytics (such as predictive, spatial, and prescriptive) using the drag-and-drop user interface.

A workflow in Alteryx consists of connected tools that perform different functions to process data.

The Alteryx Designer contains four primary components that are used to create a workflow

  • Tool Palette

  • Canvas

  • Configuration window

  • Results window

Tool Pallete

The Alteryx Tool Palette contains the tools that are used to transform data. Tools are separated into categories based on the types of functions they perform, such as inputting data, parsing information, or creating reports.

Tools from each category have a common color and shape, which makes it simple to see what kinds of operations are being used in a workflow.

Some Tools Available on Alteryx

  • Data Input Tool

  • Data Output Tool

  • Preparation Tool

  • Filter Tool

  • Select Tool

  • Formula and Multi-Line Formula Tool

  • Join Tool

  • Union Tool

  • Parse and Transform Tools

  • Transpose Tools

  • Crosstab Tools

  • Text To Column Tool

  • Regex Tool


Simply start adding tools to the Alteryx canvas to begin building a workflow. The user’s initial tool should typically be an input data tool that links to your data source. Connect the output anchor of one tool to the input anchor of another to transfer data between them.

Linking tools together apply a sequence of operations to a data stream. Tools can be added by either dragging from the tool palette or by double-clicking on the tool

Connect tools by connecting their output and input anchors, or place a tool close to another to make a connection.

Configure Tools

Tools must be configured to perform operations on the data in Alteryx. The configuration window allows users to change this feature with tool-specific settings. The available configuration options change, depending on the selected tool.

Incorrectly configured tools will display a red exclamation mark on the tool icon on the canvas warns that the configuration must be fixed for the workflow to run successfully.

If the user wants to change the setting, select the tool, apply the changes in the settings window, and click back to the canvas to solve the problem.

Running a Workflow

Running a workflow on Alteryx starts the flow of data from an input source through a workflow, and transforms the data according to the settings specified in each tool.

Input data remains unchanged as the data moves through the workflow. Generally, the resulting data is written to a new file or cloud location using an Output Data Tool.

Result Window

When the workflow is complete, the Alteryx results window is filled with information about the process that took place.

These messages include links to workflow inputs and outputs and summaries of changes applied to the data and the timestamps when the workflow started and ended, any error messages or warnings are also displayed in this window.

To see the results at each stage of the workflow, click a tool on Canvas and explore the results window.

Saving and Sharing the Workflow

After creating the workflow, click "File" and "Save" to save it on Alteryx. The workflow is saved as a .yxmd file that stores the workflow and the tools it defines.

Alteryx provides an option to export the workflow by selecting "Settings" and then "Export Workflow". This option creates a ZIP file with the extension .yxzp, which is an Alteryx package that contains your workflow file and related resources.

Features of Alteryx

  • Alteryx extends a range of features such as data blending, data modeling, and spatial and predictive analysis. The platform also provides the flexibility of connecting to various data sources such as Excel, SQLServer, Oracle and Hadoop, etc.

  • Alteryx enables users to automate workflows and schedule tasks, making it easy to perform recurring tasks and save time.

  • Alteryx allows users to share their workflows and results with others, making it easy to collaborate with team members and stakeholders.


Alteryx enables companies to predict sales trends and identify areas for improvement, enabling better decision-making and resource allocation. It provides tools for businesses to streamline financial reporting and create accurate and compliant financial statements. Additionally, it also simplifies customer data analysis, enabling companies to segment their customer base and identify customer behavior patterns. Visit the platform

Updated on: 07-Aug-2023


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