Comparison between Agile Model and other models

In this article, we will compare the properties of the agile paradigm with those of other models.

Waterfall Model vs. the Agile Model

What is Waterfall methodology, and how does it work?

The Waterfall Model is also known as the Liner Sequential Life Cycle Model. Because the Waterfall Model is followed in a sequential sequence, the project development team will only go on to the next phase of development or testing if the previous step has been successfully completed.

What is the Agile approach, and how does it work?

Agile methodology is a concept that aids in the software development process by allowing for continuous iteration of development and testing. Unlike the Waterfall paradigm, development and testing are done simultaneously under this methodology. This method helps clients, developers, managers, and testers to communicate more effectively.

The Key Difference Between Waterfall and Agile

  • Agile is a continuous iteration of development and testing in the software development process, while Waterfall is a linear sequential life cycle model.

  • The Agile technique is noted for its flexibility, while the Waterfall methodology is a regimented software development process.

  • When comparing the Waterfall and Agile methodologies, the Agile approach is incremental, while the Waterfall is a sequential design process.

  • Testing is done simultaneously with software development in Agile, while testing is done after the "Build" step in the Waterfall technique.

  • Agile allows for modifications in project development needs, while Waterfall does not allow for changes once the project is underway.

Benefits of the Waterfall Model

  • It's one of the simplest models to work with. Each phase has particular deliverables and a review procedure according to its nature.

  • It works effectively for little projects with simple needs.

  • Project completion in a shorter amount of time

  • Both the process and the outcomes are thoroughly recorded.

  • Method for reorganizing teams that is easily adaptable

  • When it comes to managing dependencies, this project management style comes in handy.

Benefits of the Agile Model

  • It is a client-focused procedure. As a result, it ensures that the customer is kept informed at all times.

  • Agile teams are highly motivated and self-organized, therefore development projects are more likely to provide superior results.

  • The agile software development technique ensures that development quality is maintained.

  • The whole procedure is predicated on gradual development. As a result, both the customer and the team are aware of what is and is not complete. As a result, the risk of the development process is reduced.

Waterfall Model Limitations

  • It isn't the best model for a major project.

  • It is a less effective strategy if the requirement is not apparent from the start.

  • It's really tough to return to prior stages and make modifications.

  • After the development phase is completed, the testing phase begins. As a result, there's a good likelihood that flaws will be discovered later in development when they'll be more costly to correct.

Agile Model Limitations

  • For modest development initiatives, this strategy is ineffective.

  • In order to make crucial choices in a meeting, an expert is required.

  • When compared to other development approaches, the cost of adopting an agile process is somewhat higher.

  • If the project manager does not know what result he or she wants, the project might quickly go off course.

Differences between the Agile and Waterfall Models

The following is a comparison between Agile and Waterfall methodologies −

The project development lifecycle is divided into sprints.There are many stages to the software development process.
It takes a step-by-step method.The waterfall technique is a way of designing in a progressive order.
Agile methodologies are noted for their adaptabilityBecause waterfall is a structured software development technique, it may be extremely strict at times.
Agile may be thought of as a collection of many projects.The development of software will be done as a single project.
Agile is a flexible strategy that enables modifications to project development that needs to be made even after the original planning is complete.Once the project development begins, there is no way to change the specifications.
Because Agile methodology uses an iterative development approach, planning, development, prototyping, and other software development stages may occur several times.In the Waterfall approach, all project development stages, such as design, development, and testing, are completed once.
After each sprint, the test plan is evaluated.During the testing phase, the test strategy is seldom communicated.
Agile development is a method of software development in which needs are anticipated to change and evolve over time.The technique is excellent for projects with specific needs and unanticipated modifications.
Testing is done simultaneously with software development in the Agile process.The "Testing" step follows the "Build" phase in this technique.
Agile presents a product mentality in which the software product meets the requirements of its end users and adapts to their expectations.This approach demonstrates a project mentality and focuses only on completing the job.
With Time & Materials or non-fixed financing, the Agile approach performs incredibly effectively. In fixed-price circumstances, it may create tension.By obtaining a risk agreement at the start of the process, it is possible to reduce risk in firm-fixedprice contracts.
Small, focused teams with a high level of coordination and synchronization are preferred.The ability of a team to coordinate and synchronize is severely hampered.
Almost every day of a project, the product owner and his team create requirements.Prior to the start of a project, business analysts establish requirements.
The test team may easily participate in requirement changes.Any change in requirements is tough for the test to commence.
During the SDLC process, the description of project specifics may be changed at any moment.To use the waterfall software development technique, a detailed description is required.
As a consequence of the Agile Team's interchangeability, they work more quickly. Project managers are also unnecessary since the projects are controlled by the whole team.Because the process is usually easy under the waterfall technique, the project manager is needed at every level of the SDLC.

Exploratory Programming vs. Agile Model

Agile ModelExploratory Programming
Each incrementally delivered portion is built via an iteration following each timebox in an agile paradigm.Exploratory programming is a method for developing unstructured programs.
Agile teams, on the other hand, adhere to well-defined and disciplined methods that include systematic requirements gathering and thorough design.Exploratory programming defies software engineering conventions, allowing for unstructured code to be created and evaluated.
After each iteration, the Agile model's primary principle is to provide an incremental version to the client.After development, the program is tested and any defects detected are repaired. This cycle of testing and problem repair continues until the program meets the customer's expectations.

Agile vs. RAD: Which is Better?

Agile ModelRAD Model
The Agile paradigm discourages the creation of prototypes, preferring instead to focus on the methodical development of each incremental feature at the conclusion of each cycle.The core concept of RAD is to create rapid and dirty prototypes that are later developed into production-quality code.
Agile initiatives logically split the solution down into features that are created and delivered in stages.The RAD paradigm focuses on building all of an application's functionality by doing it poorly at first and then gradually improving the code over time.
After each iteration, the Agile team only shows the client finished work.Customers may be shown screen mockups and prototypes by RAD teams, although these may be based on simplifications such as database lookup rather than real calculations.
Tiny projects are not ideal for the agile approach since it is difficult to break the project into small components that may be produced progressively.When a corporation hasn't worked on a project that's nearly identical, it's difficult to employ the RAD paradigm since previous code can't be reused.

Incremental Development vs. Agile Development

Agile developmentIncremental development
Each incrementally delivered portion is built via an iteration following each time box in the Agile paradigm. The Agile model's core idea is to create agility by eliminating tasks that waste time and effort.The software's requirements are broken down into various modules that may be built and supplied in stages. The basic features are created initially, then additional features are added to the program in consecutive releases.
In the Agile paradigm, an iteration's end date is set and cannot be amended. To finish that iteration on schedule, the development team may have to opt to minimize the supplied functionality.There is no set deadline for completing the next iteration in the incremental development methodology.

Spiral Model vs. Agile Model

Agile modelSpiral model
The Agile model's core idea is to create agility by eliminating tasks that waste time and effort.The Spiral model's fundamental concept is risk management.
The Agile strategy emphasizes delivering an increment to the client after each Time-box, resulting in more frequent customer involvement.The spiral model primarily deals with many types of unplanned hazards, however, there is minimal client engagement.
The agile paradigm is best suited for huge projects that can be broken down into tiny chunks and developed progressively over time.The Spiral model is appropriate for projects that are vulnerable to a variety of hazards that are difficult to predict at the outset.
Documentation is not used in the agile paradigm.For the Spiral model, proper documentation is essential.

Updated on: 30-Nov-2021

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