Common Mistakes Beginner Quality Managers Make

Quality managers are essential for any company. They help ensure operations run smoothly, and that all products and services are consistent. Although it's only natural to make mistakes at the start, new recruits should try their best to prevent them, even if it's just a learning process.

Making mistakes is part of the job when it comes to managing quality. Although nobody ever plans to make them, you'll want to be prepared and know what to look for if you become a beginner or are working with someone who is new to the field.

A Few Avoidable Mistakes by Quality Managers

Because of inexperience or a lack of formal training, many new quality managers tend to make these common mistakes:

Lacking quality Improvement

As long as the quality of your products and/or services meets or exceeds some minimum standard, you shouldn't be afraid to take risks. Quality managers aren't there to simply maintain quality but rather to make sure they improve each day.

The quality manager is a position that requires constant improvement and the highest quality possible. If you're new to the position, don't avoid the temptation to settle for mediocrity by trying to play it safe.

Non-Conformance Problems

It’s important to convey what non-conformances mean and how they affect quality control. You don't want anyone in your team to have a false sense of security and then have an issue turn into a problem later on. A standard non-conformance for something like a product is defined as “Any deviation from the requirements that could cause safety issues or harm to people, property, or the environment.”

What are some crucial steps that new quality managers need to take when they're managing a team of employees? First, it's important to have an effective plan in place for handling non-conformances. Next, managers should make sure that their plans will assess the problem at hand and determine what steps should be taken to reverse as much damage as possible. It's important to be ready, just in case new quality managers are thrown curveballs.

Fail to Define Requirements

Quality is subjective, but that doesn't mean it's a black-and-white issue. We must make sure that people on the team are on the same page and share the same outlook on what defines high-quality content.

Not making the right usage of tools

It's not uncommon for new quality managers to overlook the value of tools such as control charters, flowcharts, and scatter diagrams. Each one can help you measure different parts of your project in order to ensure quality purposes. With these tools, you'll be able to measure aspects of a project such as time and cost.

Lacking in Training

Becoming a quality manager is not the same as being a beginner. You'll make mistakes, but don't expect to be perfect on your first day. The best way to avoid costly mistakes is to learn about it before you start, which means getting the training you need.

To succeed in your career - whether it be to get promoted or just for personal development and growth - it's important to be able to identify the challenges involved. Getting promoted at work can help you realize a dream, but many aspiring managers don't think about how difficult it may be.

Inability to Adapt

New managers may feel the need to be conservative and stick to the current way of working. However, it's important to take on the risk of trying new methods because you must bear the brunt of anything that does not go as planned. As a quality manager, your responsibilities include finding better ways for your business to produce high-quality outcomes.

What makes a good quality manager? Someone who is able to maintain the company's quality standard, but someone who also constantly evolves how their operations and management will improve outcomes and cost-effectiveness.

It's Hard to Operate Without a Detailed Understanding of The Previous And Current Info

When defining new production changes in your organization, it is crucial to learn from past initiatives so you can identify where the greatest needs have been and what improvement programs have already been running smoothly. It is crucial to not only understand what has happened in the past but how things were done so that you can decide on how to break down your overhauls into smaller areas for better understanding and more efficient change implementation.

Goal Setting Without Measurable Targets

New managers should be ambitious and eager to reach notable milestones. But there's a fine balance between vision and pragmatism that needs to be thought out. Instead of prioritizing speed,take the time to establish your success metrics, as well as how you will measure your progress.

It's important to set goals that are attainable, and then put in place a number of measurable measures to ensure your team follows through. These should include explicit expectations and how long an operation should take the number of items to sample or inspections per job or shift, and precise standards that output must meet.

If you want to know whether or not your efforts are paying off, you need to make sure that the goals of your march for product quality and production efficiency are quantifiable. This will make it easier for you to measure the effectiveness and cost of the improvement. Progress is much easier to maintain when it's quantifiable.

Emerging Problems

A lack of contingency plans can be costly for your business, especially if it means production stops and you don't know what to do next. Ensuring you have the plan to prevent these issues from happening is critical, as they will result in downtime or end up impacting the finished products that reach customers. Think before you go, and trust me--it pays off.

Quality management is an essential practice in the manufacturing industry. It needs to be part of your daily workflow, and this involves running internal audits and reviews on a regular basis to ensure that your systems are in place and supporting your goals. You should also develop emergency preparedness plans so you can avoid injuries, downtime, and lost production. Every business owner should know what is expected of them and what to do when things go wrong in the workplace.

Lack of Knowledge

Always maintaining quality standards is a difficult task. It's challenging to fully know what things to do, and for which processes, until you get experience in your own company's manufacturing department. This is why we believe that learning on the job is the best way to learn.

Thanks to technological advances, the ability to standardize and communicate methods, instructions, and expectations can now be achieved in cost-effective ways. There are a bunch of online courses available for quality managers who want to learn what is working best for others. Pursuing certification in key skill sets such as personnel management, quality assurance, and quality engineering will give you a boost on the job and make your career more flexible. With training, you can anticipate common manufacturing challenges and avoid them. You'll also gain insight into how best to tackle them in order to avoid putting your business at risk.

Failure to Explicitly State Requirements in an Advertisement

One of the biggest struggles new quality managers can encounter is how to get everyone to comply with their standards. However, it's worth it because not complying could lead to not just a loss of profit but also morale and employee efficiency. To make sure everything goes as planned when production issues are present, you need to clarify for everyone your expectations, company policies, and about why performance can be compromised. Furthermore, being consistent, clear, concise, and offering help rather than correction will provide huge dividends for you and your team members. Overall, people will only do what they're voluntarily doing out of good faith.


Quality communication is crucial to establish trust and open lines of communication. Managers need to ensure that employees understand their role in the company, customers need to be educated on expected delivery timelines, and employees need to be aware of the chain of responsibility. Hence, each party gets what they need when it's really needed.

If you are a new quality manager and feel overwhelmed or anxious, avoid these common mistakes to quickly put you in the driver's seat.

Updated on: 22-Dec-2022


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