Commands to Get Min, Max, Median, and Mean of a Dataset

When working with datasets, it's important to understand characteristics of data. One of most fundamental aspects of a dataset is its central tendency - point around which data tends to cluster. This can be quantified in a number of ways, including minimum, maximum, median, and mean.

In this article, we'll explore these different measures of central tendency and show you how to calculate them using a variety of programming languages.

What is Minimum of a Dataset?

The minimum of a dataset is smallest value in set. This value is useful for understanding lower bounds of data and can help identify outliers that fall below typical range of values.


To calculate minimum of a dataset, you can use built-in functions in most programming languages. For example, in Python, you can use min() function like this −

dataset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
minimum = min(dataset)

This code will output 1, which is minimum value in dataset.

What is Maximum of a Dataset?

The maximum of a dataset is largest value in set. Like minimum, this value is useful for understanding upper bounds of data and can help identify outliers that fall above typical range of values.


To calculate maximum of a dataset, you can use max() function in most programming languages. Here's an example using Python −

dataset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
maximum = max(dataset)

This code will output 5, which is maximum value in dataset.

What is Median of a Dataset?

The median of a dataset is middle value when data is arranged in order. It's useful for understanding central tendency of data and can be more robust to outliers than mean.


To calculate median of a dataset, you first need to sort data. Then, you can find middle value (or average of two middle values if dataset has an even number of elements). Here's an example using Python −

dataset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
sorted_dataset = sorted(dataset)
length = len(dataset)
if length % 2 == 0:
   # Average of middle two values
   median = (sorted_dataset[length // 2 - 1] + sorted_dataset[length // 2]) / 2
   median = sorted_dataset[length // 2]


This code will output 3, which is median value in dataset.

What is Mean of a Dataset?

The mean of a dataset is average value of all data points. It's useful for understanding central tendency of data and is most commonly used measure of central tendency.


To calculate mean of a dataset, you can add up all data points and divide by number of points. Here's an example using Python −

dataset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
mean = sum(dataset) / len(dataset)

This code will output 3, which is mean value in dataset.

Additional Measures of Central Tendency

While minimum, maximum, median, and mean are most common measures of central tendency, there are a few other measures you may encounter in your data analysis work. Here are a few examples −

  • Mode − mode is most common value in a dataset. It can be useful for identifying values that occur frequently or for identifying peaks in a distribution. In Python, you can use mode() function in statistics module to calculate mode of a dataset.


import statistics

dataset = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5]
mode = statistics.mode(dataset)

This code will output 4, which is mode value in dataset.

  • Geometric Mean − geometric mean is a type of average that is useful for calculating central tendency of values that are related multiplicatively. For example, geometric mean is commonly used in finance to calculate average return on an investment. In Python, you can use fmean() function in statistics module to calculate geometric mean of a dataset.


import statistics

dataset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
geometric_mean = statistics.fmean(dataset)

This code will output 2.605, which is geometric mean value in dataset.

  • Harmonic Mean − Harmonic mean is another type of average that is useful for calculating central tendency of values that are related reciprocally. For example, harmonic mean is commonly used in physics to calculate average velocity of an object moving at varying speeds. In Python, you can use harmonic_mean() function in statistics module to calculate harmonic mean of a dataset.


import statistics

dataset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
harmonic_mean = statistics.harmonic_mean(dataset)

This code will output 2.189, which is harmonic mean value in dataset.

When to Use Each Measure

Each measure of central tendency has its own strengths and weaknesses, and measure you choose to use will depend on characteristics of your data and questions you are trying to answer. Here are some general guidelines for when to use each measure −

  • Minimum and Maximum − Use minimum and maximum to understand range of values in your dataset and to identify outliers.

  • Median − Use median to understand central tendency of your data when data is skewed or has outliers that affect mean.

  • Mean − Use mean as default measure of central tendency when data is roughly symmetrical and doesn't have extreme outliers.

  • Mode − Use mode to identify most common value in your dataset or to identify peaks in a distribution.

  • Geometric Mean − Use geometric mean when calculating average of values that are related multiplicatively.

  • Harmonic Mean − Use harmonic mean when calculating average of values that are related reciprocally.


In summary, minimum, maximum, median, and mean are all useful measures of central tendency in a dataset. By understanding these characteristics of your data, you can gain insights into range, central tendency, and potential outliers in your dataset. These measures can be easily calculated using built-in functions in most programming languages, making it easy to incorporate them into your data analysis workflows.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2023


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