CloudStats – Best Server Monitoring Tool for SaaS Businesses and Everyone Else

As a business owner or IT administrator, monitoring your servers is critical to ensuring their availability, reliability, and security. With the rapid growth of cloud computing, server monitoring tools have become essential for managing multiple servers across different environments.

One such tool that stands out in the market is CloudStats, a server monitoring tool that offers comprehensive monitoring solutions for SaaS businesses and everyone else. In this article, we will dive deep into CloudStats, its features, benefits, and how it can help you monitor your servers effectively.

What is CloudStats?

CloudStats is a cloud-based server monitoring tool that allows you to monitor the performance, availability, and security of your servers in real-time. It supports various operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and FreeBSD. CloudStats provides a simple and intuitive web interface that allows you to manage and monitor your servers from anywhere in the world.

Features of CloudStats

CloudStats offers a wide range of features to help you monitor your servers effectively. Here are some of the key features −

Real-time Monitoring

CloudStats provides real-time monitoring of your servers, allowing you to detect and fix issues before they become critical. You can monitor various metrics, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk usage, network usage, and more.


CloudStats alerts you via email or SMS when it detects issues with your servers. You can configure thresholds for different metrics and receive alerts when those thresholds are exceeded.

Uptime Monitoring

CloudStats monitors the uptime of your servers and notifies you when your servers are down. You can set up multiple endpoints to monitor your servers, including HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, and ICMP.

Server Health Reports

CloudStats provides detailed server health reports that give you an overview of your server's performance, availability, and security. You can generate reports on-demand or schedule them to be generated automatically.

Multi-User Support

CloudStats supports multiple users with different levels of access. You can create users with different permissions, allowing them to access only the servers they need to monitor.

Benefits of Using CloudStats

Here are some of the benefits of using CloudStats −

Easy to Use

CloudStats provides an intuitive web interface that is easy to use, even for non-technical users. You can get started with CloudStats in minutes, without any special training or expertise.

Real-time Monitoring

CloudStats provides real-time monitoring of your servers, allowing you to detect and fix issues before they become critical. This can help you avoid costly downtime and improve your server's performance and availability.


CloudStats is a cost-effective solution for server monitoring. You only pay for the servers you monitor, with no upfront costs or long-term commitments.


CloudStats is a scalable solution that can handle monitoring of a large number of servers across different environments. You can add or remove servers as needed, without any additional setup or configuration.

How to Use CloudStats

Getting started with CloudStats is easy, and you can be up and running in just a few simple steps. Here's a quick overview of how to use CloudStats to monitor your servers −

  • Sign up for a CloudStats account − Start by creating an account on the CloudStats website. You'll need to provide some basic information, including your email address and password.

  • Install the CloudStats agent − Once you've signed up, you'll need to install the CloudStats agent on your servers. The agent is a lightweight piece of software that runs in the background and collects data about your server's performance.

    CloudStats offers a variety of installation methods, including a script-based installer for Linux servers and a Windows installer. You can find detailed instructions on how to install the agent on your servers in the CloudStats documentation.

    Here's an example of the command to run the CloudStats agent installer on a Linux server −

sudo sh -c "$(curl -sL"
  • Configure your servers − Once the agent is installed, you'll need to configure your servers in the CloudStats dashboard. This involves adding your servers to CloudStats, specifying which metrics you want to monitor, and setting up alerts.

    CloudStats makes it easy to configure your servers with its user-friendly dashboard. Simply click on the "Add Server" button, enter your server's details, and select the metrics you want to monitor.

    Here's an example of the command to add a new server to CloudStats −

sudo cloudstatsctl add-server --name myserver --ip --ssh-user myuser --ssh-port 22
  • Monitor your servers − With your servers configured, you can now start monitoring their performance in real-time. CloudStats provides a variety of metrics, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk usage, and network traffic.

    You can view these metrics in the CloudStats dashboard, which provides detailed graphs and charts to help you understand your server's performance. You can also set up alerts to notify you when certain metrics exceed a threshold, helping you stay on top of any potential issues.

    Here's an example of the command to view the CPU usage of a server in CloudStats −

sudo cloudstatsctl get-metric --server myserver --metric cpu

And here's an example of the command to create an alert for high CPU usage −

sudo cloudstatsctl add-alert --server myserver --metric cpu --threshold 80

With these simple steps, you can start monitoring your servers with CloudStats and ensure that they're always performing at their best. Whether you're a SaaS business owner or an IT professional, CloudStats has everything you need to monitor and manage your servers with ease.


In conclusion, CloudStats is an excellent server monitoring tool that offers comprehensive solutions for businesses and individuals looking to optimize their server performance. With its user-friendly interface, customizable alerts, and detailed reporting, CloudStats makes it easy to monitor and manage your servers from a single dashboard.

Whether you're a SaaS business owner or an IT professional, CloudStats has everything you need to keep your servers running smoothly. With its powerful features and affordable pricing plans, CloudStats is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable and efficient server monitoring tool.

So if you want to ensure your servers are always performing at their best, give CloudStats a try. With its easy installation process and intuitive interface, you'll be up and running in no time. Try it out today and experience the benefits of cloud-based server monitoring for yourself!

Updated on: 22-Jun-2023


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