Cloud Connect User Guide

If you're looking for a reliable way to back up your data to the cloud, then Veeam Cloud Connect is the solution for you. With Cloud Connect, you can easily send your data to a cloud-based backup repository managed by a Veeam service provider. In this article, we'll provide a comprehensive guide on how to use Cloud Connect, including installation, configuration, and backup.

What is Cloud Connect?

Veeam Cloud Connect is a cloud-based backup and disaster recovery solution designed to provide users with a secure, reliable, and efficient way to protect their data in the cloud. It allows businesses to extend their existing Veeam infrastructure to the cloud, and leverage the expertise of Veeam service providers to help manage their backups.

Benefits of using Cloud Connect

There are several benefits to using Veeam Cloud Connect for your backup and disaster recovery needs. They include −

  • Secure offsite backups − With Cloud Connect, your data is securely stored offsite in a Veeam service provider's cloud, providing an extra layer of protection in case of a disaster.

  • Easy setup − Cloud Connect is easy to set up and use, with intuitive settings and prompts that guide you through the process.

  • Cost-effective − By leveraging the cloud, Cloud Connect offers a cost-effective backup and disaster recovery solution that is accessible to businesses of all sizes.

  • Flexibility − Cloud Connect is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor your backup and disaster recovery plan to your specific needs.

  • Peace of mind − With Cloud Connect, you can rest assured that your data is protected and easily recoverable, no matter what happens.

Setting up Cloud Connect on your system

First, you'll need to install Veeam Backup & Replication on your local machine or server. You can download the installation files from the Veeam website, and the installation process is straightforward and easy to follow. Here's how to do it −

  • Download the Cloud Connect installer from the Veeam website.

  • Run the installer on your Veeam Backup & Replication server.

  • Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

  • Once the installation is complete, open the Veeam Backup & Replication console.

  • Click on the "Backup Infrastructure" tab.

  • Click on the "Service Providers" option in the left-hand menu.

  • Click on the "Add Service Provider" button.

  • Enter the connection details for your service provider, including the URL, username, and password.

  • Click "OK" to save the settings.

Configuring Cloud Connect

Once you've installed Veeam Backup & Replication, you'll need to configure Cloud Connect. To do this, follow these steps −

  • In the Veeam Backup & Replication console, click on "Backup Infrastructure" in the sidebar menu, and then click on "Add Service Provider."

  • In the "Add Service Provider" window, enter the URL of your service provider's Cloud Connect server. You'll also need to enter your login credentials for the server.

  • Once you've entered the necessary information, click "Next" to continue.

  • In the next window, you'll be prompted to configure your backup repository. You can choose to use an existing repository or create a new one. Follow the prompts to configure your repository as needed.

  • Once you've configured your backup repository, click "Finish" to complete the setup process.

Setting up a backup job

With Cloud Connect configured, you can now set up a backup job to protect your data. To do this, follow these steps −

  • In the Veeam Backup & Replication console, click on "Jobs" in the sidebar menu, and then click on "Create Backup Job."

  • In the "Create Backup Job" window, enter a name for your backup job and select the virtual machines or physical servers that you want to back up.

  • Follow the prompts to configure your backup job as needed, including the schedule, retention policy, and any additional options.

  • Once you've configured your backup job, click "Finish" to save it.

Monitoring and managing backups

With your backup job set up, you can now monitor and manage your backups through the Veeam Backup & Replication console. You can view the status of your backups, restore files or VMs as needed, and make any necessary changes to your backup settings.

Advanced configuration options

Once you have successfully installed and configured Veeam Cloud Connect, you may want to explore some of the more advanced configuration options available to you. Here are a few examples of advanced configuration settings you can modify −

  • WAN Acceleration − If you're sending backups over a wide area network (WAN), you may want to enable WAN acceleration to speed up the transfer process. To enable WAN acceleration, navigate to the "Service Providers" section of the Veeam Backup & Replication console and select your Cloud Connect server. Click on the "WAN Acceleration" tab and follow the prompts to configure your WAN acceleration settings.

  • Cloud Gateway − If you want to add an additional layer of security to your Cloud Connect environment, you can set up a Cloud Gateway. A Cloud Gateway acts as a proxy server between your local environment and the Cloud Connect server, providing an extra layer of security and control over the data transfer process. To set up a Cloud Gateway, navigate to the "Cloud Gateways" section of the Veeam Backup & Replication console and follow the prompts to configure your Cloud Gateway settings.

  • Tenant Management − If you're a service provider offering Cloud Connect services to clients, you can use the Veeam Backup & Replication console to manage your tenants' backups and data. You can create separate repositories and backup jobs for each tenant, monitor their backups, and even configure quotas and limits to ensure that each tenant has adequate storage space. To manage your tenants, navigate to the "Tenants" section of the Veeam Backup & Replication console and follow the prompts to configure your tenant settings.

  • Encryption − If you're concerned about the security of your backups during transmission and storage, you can enable encryption for your Cloud Connect backups. To enable encryption, navigate to the "Backup Infrastructure" section of the Veeam Backup & Replication console and select your Cloud Connect server. Click on the "Advanced" tab and select the option to enable encryption. Follow the prompts to configure your encryption settings.

By exploring these advanced configuration options, you can further customize your Cloud Connect environment to meet your specific needs and requirements.


Veeam Cloud Connect is a powerful tool that can help you securely backup your data to the cloud. With its easy installation process, configuration options, and advanced features, Cloud Connect provides a seamless experience for Veeam users. Whether you're a small business owner or a large enterprise, Cloud Connect can help you keep your data safe and easily accessible.

If you're a Veeam user looking for a reliable cloud backup solution, then Cloud Connect is definitely worth considering. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can quickly and easily install, configure, and use Cloud Connect to protect your data and ensure business continuity.

Updated on: 23-Jun-2023


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