Close Specific Web Pages Using Selenium in Python

Python, with its simplicity and versatility, has gained immense popularity among developers worldwide. Its extensive range of libraries and frameworks allows programmers to accomplish a wide array of tasks, including web automation. When it comes to automating web browsers, Selenium, a powerful tool in the Python ecosystem, takes center stage. Selenium provides a user−friendly interface to interact with web pages, making it an indispensable tool for web testing, scraping, and automation tasks.

In this tutorial, we will delve into the world of Python and Selenium to explore a specific task: closing a web page programmatically. Have you ever found yourself dealing with multiple browser windows or tabs and wanted to close a specific page without manually navigating to it? We've got you covered! In the next section of the article, we will guide you through the process of setting up Selenium in Python and show you how to navigate to a specific web page. Then, we will tackle the challenge of closing that specific web page. So, let’s get started.

Setting Up Selenium in Python

In this section of the tutorial, we will guide you through the process of setting up Selenium in Python.

Installing Selenium using pip

To begin, we need to install Selenium using pip, the package installer for Python. Open your command prompt or terminal and enter the following command:

pip install selenium

This command will download and install the Selenium package, making it available for use in your Python environment. Once the installation is complete, you can move on to the next step.

Installing the appropriate web driver

Selenium interacts with web browsers through web drivers, which act as intermediaries between the code and the browser. Each browser requires a specific web driver to work with Selenium. In this tutorial, we will focus on using Chrome as our target browser, so we will install the ChromeDriver.

  • Visit the ChromeDriver download page ( and download the appropriate version of ChromeDriver based on your operating system.

  • Extract the downloaded zip file, which will give you the `chromedriver.exe` executable file.

  • Place the `chromedriver.exe` file in a location that is accessible by your Python environment. Note the path to the `chromedriver.exe` file as we will need it in the upcoming code examples.

Setting up the Selenium environment

Now that we have Selenium installed and the ChromeDriver ready, let's set up the Selenium environment in Python.

Import the necessary Selenium module into your Python script:

from selenium import webdriver

Create an instance of the ChromeDriver by specifying the path to the `chromedriver.exe` file:

driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='path/to/chromedriver.exe')

Replace `'path/to/chromedriver.exe'` with the actual path to the `chromedriver.exe` file on your system.

With the above code, we have successfully set up the Selenium environment using the ChromeDriver. In the following sections of the article, we will explore various Selenium functionalities and techniques to interact with web pages programmatically.

Navigating to a Specific Web Page

In this section of the tutorial, we will explore how to navigate to a specific web page using Selenium in Python. We will begin by showing you how to open a specific URL in a web browser, followed by demonstrating different methods for locating and identifying elements on a web page.

Opening a specific URL

To open a specific URL using Selenium, we will use the `get()` method provided by the Selenium WebDriver. Let's consider an example where we want to open the URL "". Here's how we can achieve it:

url = ""

In the above code, we specify the desired URL as a string and pass it as an argument to the `get()` method of the WebDriver object. This will open the specified URL in the web browser.

Locating and identifying elements on a web page

Selenium provides various methods for locating and identifying elements on a web page, such as finding elements by their tag name, class name, ID, CSS selector, or XPath. Let's consider an example where we want to locate and click a button on the web page. Here's how we can accomplish it:

button = driver.find_element_by_id("button-id")

In the above code, we use the `find_element_by_id()` method to locate the button element on the web page by its ID. We assign the element to the `button` variable, and then we can interact with it using methods like `click()`. You can use similar methods like `find_element_by_class_name()`, `find_element_by_css_selector()`, or `find_element_by_xpath()` to locate elements based on different criteria.

That's all for navigating to a specific web page! In the next section of the article, we will tackle the challenge of closing a specific web page programmatically using Selenium and Python.

Closing a Specific Web Page

In this section of the tutorial, we will address the challenge of closing a specific web page programmatically using Selenium in Python.

To close a specific web page using Selenium, we need to identify the target window or tab and then close it accordingly. First, we obtain all the available window handles using the `window_handles` property. Then, we switch the focus to the desired window handle using the `switch_to.window()` method. Once the desired window is active, we can simply close it using the `close()` method.

Here's an example demonstrating how to close a specific web page:

# Get all window handles
window_handles = driver.window_handles

# Switch to the desired window
desired_window = window_handles[1]  # Assuming the second window as the target

# Close the target window

In the above code, we assume that the second window is the target window. We switch the focus to the desired window using the `switch_to.window()` method, passing the window handle as an argument. Once the focus is on the target window, we use the `close()` method to close it.

Closing a specific web page may vary depending on the specific scenario or requirement. For instance, if you have multiple tabs open and want to close a particular tab based on its title or URL, you can iterate through the window handles, inspect the title or URL of each window, and close the desired one accordingly. You can also combine different conditions and techniques to suit your specific use case.


In this tutorial, we explored the process of closing specific web pages using Selenium in Python. We discussed the challenges with traditional methods, introduced the concept of window handles, and provided code examples for navigating to a specific web page. We then addressed the challenge of closing a specific web page by identifying the target window or tab and demonstrated how to close it using Selenium. By following this tutorial, you now have the knowledge and tools to automate the process of closing specific web pages programmatically, enhancing your web automation capabilities with Selenium in Python.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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