Clemmensen Reduction


Erik Christian Clemmensen, a Danish chemist, published in 1913 that simple ketones, as well as aldehydes, interacted using amalgamated zinc in the existence of 40 percent aqueous HCl and a hydrophobic solvent including toluene can generate the respective alkanes after many hours of transit. Until then, the Clemmensen reduction is often used to refer to the process of reducing carbonyl groups to such equivalent methylene groups.

This is a method for deoxygenating aldehydes and ketones to yield the equivalent hydrocarbon. The substrate would have to be acid resistant. The Clemmensen Reduction connects the Wolff-Kishner Reduction, which would be performed under highly basic circumstances. The Wolff-Kishner technique may be used to decrease acid-labile compounds. Several heterocyclic 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds with alkyl substituents within that electronegative "2" position have intriguing biological characteristics. Thomas Kappe or even colleagues used a variant of the Clemmensen reduction to speed up the production of several of these compounds.

What is Clemmensen Reduction?

Clemmensen Reduction is a type of reaction used to convert aldehydes as well as ketones into alkanes. In such a reduction process, O atoms are lost out from the molecule and electrons have been gained. This reaction seems to be extremely helpful for reducing aryl-alkyl ketones produced during Friedel Crafts acylation. Acyl Benzene has been produced by acylation using Friedel-Crafts acylation. Such a reduction process is then used to convert acyl benzene into alkylbenzene but also to reduce different ketones as well as aldehydes. Clemmensen's terms are far more successful when activated Zn is being used in an anhydrous solution of HCl in diethyl ether and acetic anhydride. Clemmensen Reduction occurs when the carbon of such carbonyl group included is transformed from sp2 to sp3 hybridization. The O atom is removed into the formation of one water molecule.

Because the initial severe conditions of the Clemmensen reduction are often not suitable for acid protonation, many improvements have now been developed to boost its synthetic value by increasing functional group tolerance. At ice-bath temps, Yamamura as well as his team devised a gentler technique employing organic solvents along with tetrahydrofuran saturated containing hydrogen halides including hydrogen chloride as well as bromide within the existence of activated Zn. Since such carbonyl compounds are poorly soluble in common solvents, an additional solvent including ethanol, acetic acid, as well as dioxane would be added to boost solubility or even assist the reaction.

Acetophenone reacts with such a reducing agent (Zinc amalgam and Hydrochloric acid) to generate the corresponding hydrocarbon, ethylbenzene, within this example as shown below.

Clemmensen Reduction Mechanism

According to the Clemmensen reduction reaction mechanism, whenever aldehydes as well as ketones interact with Zn–Hg and concentrated HCl, a hydrocarbon has been generated because of deoxygenation. Upon this Zn surface, the reduction process occurs. They still lack a reliable method; however, 2 possibilities are availed below −

  • Carbanionic Mechanism − The "Carbanionic mechanism," wherein Zn directly attacks the protonated carbonyl.

  • Carbenoid Mechanism − The reactions upon this metal surface of Zn decrease as well as occur on the interface of the Zn catalyst throughout the carbenoid mechanism. That would be a tremendous transformation. The intermediacy of Zn has been observed during the process of Clemmensen reduction reactions. Deoxygenation of ketones, as well as aldehydes, occurs to produce the respective hydrocarbons. Inside this reaction, the substrate must be a persistent strong acid. The Clemmensen reduction has been used in combination with the Wolff-Kishner reduction, which would be accomplished under extremely basic circumstances. The following reaction formulations describe the Clemmensen Reduction process −

The Clemmensen Reduction Reaction has been related to the Wolff-Kishner Reduction Reaction. Carbonyl compounds could be heated using hydrazine as well as KOH in the addition of boiling solvents such as ethylene glycol as well as diethylene glycol to produce alkanes within this reaction. Carbonyl compounds interact with hydrazine to produce hydrazones during this reaction. In usual circumstances, heating causes the formation of alkanes and the production of N2 gas. In a few situations, the Clemmensen reduction process, as well as the Wolff Kishner reduction reaction, vary.

Applications of Clemmensen Reduction

  • Organic chemicals could be used to generate alkane using alkenyl chloride, and it could be used to produce alkenyl halide.

  • Used in the transformation of the Carbonyl group into a methyl group.

  • It is possible to produce polycyclic aromatics as well as aromatics having unbranched side hydrocarbon chains.

  • Aliphatic, as well as combined aliphatic-aromatic carbonyl compounds, are reduced.

  • The conversion of acyl benzene into alkyl benzene.

Toluene can be Formed with the Help of Clemmensen Reduction

Toluene has been formed through Clemmensen's Reduction of Benzaldehyde within the existence of Zn–Hg and conc. HCl.


The Clemmensen Reduction Reaction converts aldehydes as well as ketones to alkanes by using conc. HCl and often a Zn/Hg amalgam. A certain reaction has been used to reduce aldehydes and ketones into alkanes. This reduction process removes O atoms from the molecule while gaining electrons. This reduction mechanism is very effective in reducing aryl-alkyl ketones generated through Friedel Crafts acylation. The Friedel-Crafts acylation method would be done to synthesize acyl benzene. Regarding Clemmensen Reduction Reactions, 2 mechanisms have been formulated: the carbanionic mechanism as well as the carbenoid mechanism. The substrate must be stable within Clemmensen reduction's very acidic circumstances. Acid-sensitive substances should be reduced using the Wolff-Kishner method, which involves very basic factors.


1. What are the constraints of the Clemmensen reduction?

The O atom has been eliminated in the form of one water molecule. Moreover, the reaction might not be appropriate for acid-sensitive compounds. Therefore, the carboxylic group cannot be eliminated using this process.

2. What is the purpose of using Zn–Hg in Clemmensen reduction?

As a result, the Hg in zinc amalgam "traps" the reactive hydrogen since it forms, allowing this to attack the carbonyl molecule instead of being liberated as a gas.

3. What function does zinc amalgam play in the synthesis of cycloalkanes?

The Clemmensen reduction, which thus converts ketones next to aromatic rings to alkanes, most usually uses zinc amalgam. It could be advantageous, for example, following Friedel-Crafts acylation to get a long chain alkane which can then reorganize.

4. What is the significance of the Clemmensen reduction?

The Clemmensen Reduction is indeed a method for deoxygenating aldehydes as well as ketones to yield the equivalent hydrocarbon. The substrates would have to be acid resistant. This reaction works in combination with the Wolff-Kishner Reduction, which would be performed under highly basic parameters.

5. What is the distinction between Clemmensen and Wolff-Kishner reduction?

Clemmensen Reaction includes the transformation of ketones and aldehydes into alkanes, while the Wolff-Kishner reaction involves the reduction of carbonyl groups into methylene groups. Reduced functional groups have been used to conduct these transformations. The Wolff-Kishner reduction process is often carried out in the existence of a considerable quantity of heat underneath extremely basic circumstances. A highly polar solvent seems to be required for this reaction. Whereas, the Clemmensen reduction reaction, would be found to happen in severely acidic circumstances.

Updated on: 26-Mar-2024


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