Clear Linux – A Linux Distor Optimized for Performance and Security

Clear Linux is a Linux distribution that is maintained by Intel and is designed to provide a fast and efficient operating system for developers and other users who need high performance and security.

In this article, we will explore what Clear Linux is, how it differs from other Linux distributions, and how to get started using it.

What is Clear Linux?

Clear Linux is a free and open-source Linux distribution that is optimized for performance and security. It was developed by Intel and is based on the Linux kernel.

Clear Linux is designed to be a lightweight operating system that can run on a variety of hardware, from laptops to servers. It is intended for developers and other users who need a fast and efficient operating system for their work.

How is Clear Linux Different from Other Linux Distributions?

Clear Linux is designed to be a highly optimized and efficient operating system. It is different from other Linux distributions in several ways βˆ’

  • Optimized for Performance βˆ’

    Clear Linux is optimized for performance, which means that it is designed to run as fast as possible on modern hardware. It includes optimizations for Intel processors and can take advantage of the latest hardware features to improve performance.

  • Minimalist Design βˆ’

    Clear Linux is designed to be a minimalist operating system. It includes only the essential components needed to run the system, which makes it lightweight and efficient.

  • Rolling Release Model βˆ’

    Clear Linux uses a rolling release model, which means that it is constantly updated with the latest software packages. This ensures that users have access to the latest features and security updates.

  • Automatic Updates βˆ’

    Clear Linux has automatic updates, which means that users do not have to manually update their system. This helps to ensure that users have the latest security updates and bug fixes.

  • Security Features βˆ’

    Clear Linux has several security features built into the operating system. These include support for secure boot, kernel protection, and SELinux.

Getting Started with Clear Linux

To get started with Clear Linux, you will need to download the ISO image from the Clear Linux website. Once you have downloaded the ISO image, you can create a bootable USB drive using the instructions on the website.

After you have created a bootable USB drive, you can boot your computer from the USB drive and install Clear Linux. The installation process is straightforward and is similar to other Linux distributions.

Once you have installed Clear Linux, you can start using it like any other Linux distribution. Clear Linux includes a package manager called "swupd" that you can use to install and update software packages.

Using Clear Linux for Development

Clear Linux is an excellent choice for developers to work on as it is one of the fastest and efficient operating systems. It includes several tools and packages that are useful for development, including βˆ’

  • Programming Languages βˆ’

    Clear Linux includes several programming languages, including Python, Java, and Go. These languages are pre-installed, so you do not need to install them manually.

  • Development Tools βˆ’

    Clear Linux includes several development tools, including Git, Docker, and Visual Studio Code. These tools make it easy to develop and test your applications.

  • Performance Profiling βˆ’

    Clear Linux includes several performance profiling tools, including perf and strace. These tools can help you identify performance bottlenecks in your applications.

  • Cloud Development βˆ’

    Clear Linux includes several cloud development tools, including Kubernetes and Docker Swarm. These tools can help you develop and deploy cloud-based applications.

Implementing Clear Linux Tools and Features

Following are a few examples of how you can use Clear Linux for development.

Installing Python

To install Python on Clear Linux, you can use the following command βˆ’

sudo swupd bundle-add python3-basic

Installing Docker

To install Docker on Clear Linux, you can use the following command βˆ’

sudo swupd bundle-add docker

Installing Visual Studio Code

To install Visual Studio Code on Clear Linux, you can use the following command βˆ’

sudo swupd bundle-add vscode

Using Perf

Perf is a performance profiling tool that is included with Clear Linux. To use it, you can run the following command βˆ’

sudo perf record -a -g -o sleep 10

This will record system-wide performance data for 10 seconds and save it to a file called "".

Deploying a Kubernetes Cluster

Clear Linux supports Kubernetes, a popular container orchestration platform. To deploy a Kubernetes cluster on Clear Linux, you can follow these steps βˆ’

  • Install the Kubernetes CLI Tools βˆ’

sudo swupd bundle-add kubernetes-cli
  • Install the Kubernetes Node Components βˆ’

sudo swupd bundle-add kubernetes-node
  • Install the Kubernetes Control Plane Components βˆ’

sudo swupd bundle-add kubernetes-control-plane
  • Initialize the Kubernetes Control Plane βˆ’

sudo kubeadm init

This will initialize the Kubernetes control plane on your Clear Linux system.

  • Set Up the Kubernetes Networking βˆ’

sudo kubectl apply -f

This will set up the Kubernetes networking using Calico, a popular networking solution for Kubernetes.

  • Join Worker Nodes to the Cluster

sudo kubeadm join <control-plane-host>:<control-plane-port> --token <token> --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash <hash>

This command will join worker nodes to the Kubernetes cluster. Replace <control-plane-host>, <control-plane-port>, <token>, and <hash> with the appropriate values for your environment.

Once you have completed these steps, you will have a fully functional Kubernetes cluster running on Clear Linux. You can use the Kubernetes CLI tools to deploy and manage containers on your cluster.

For example, you can deploy a sample application using the following command βˆ’

sudo kubectl apply -f

This will deploy a Redis master pod on your Kubernetes cluster. You can use the Kubernetes CLI tools to manage and scale your application as needed.

Securing Clear Linux

Clear Linux includes several security features that can help to keep your system secure. Here are some tips for securing Clear Linux βˆ’

  • Keep Your System Up-to-Date βˆ’

    Clear Linux has automatic updates, which means that your system should always be up-to-date with the latest security updates and bug fixes. However, you should still check for updates regularly to make sure that everything is up-to-date.

  • Use a Firewall βˆ’

    Clear Linux includes a firewall called "firewalld". You should configure firewalld to only allow traffic that is necessary for your system to function.

  • Use SELinux βˆ’

    Clear Linux includes support for SELinux, which is a security module for the Linux kernel. You should enable SELinux and configure it to enforce strict security policies.

  • Use Secure Boot βˆ’

    Clear Linux supports secure boot, which is a security feature that helps to ensure that the system only boots with trusted software. You should enable secure boot to help prevent unauthorized access to your system.


Clear Linux is a Linux distribution that is optimized for performance and security. It is designed to be a fast and efficient operating system for developers and other users who need high performance and security. Clear Linux is different from other Linux distributions in several ways, including its minimalist design, rolling release model, and automatic updates. Clear Linux includes several tools and packages that are useful for development, and it has several security features built into the operating system. If you are a developer or other user who needs a fast and efficient operating system, Clear Linux is definitely worth considering.

Updated on: 22-Jun-2023


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