Claisen Rearrangement


Claisen rearrangement denotes the essential chemical reaction which is organic by nature. One of the most important roles of this reaction includes the formation of carbon-carbon bonds. This reaction derived its name from its discovery by Rainer Ludwig Claisen, a German chemist, in 1912. This particular reaction belongs to the sigmatropic rearrangement. Here the mechanism of the reaction is being concerted. There is an interesting fact in this reaction. This particular reaction is the first recorded instance of a sigmatropic rearrangement reaction.

What is Claisen Rearrangement?

It describes one of the essential reactions in the field of organic chemistry". This essential reaction is responsible for the creation of the string bond of carbon. This particular form and reaction hold prominent importance as it is very essential for the biosynthesis of fatty acids. This is an important chemical reaction. This reaction mainly concentrates on the transformation and changes of ether in an effective way. Ether is the chemical compound that is used mainly. These elements are generally used as miticides, insecticides, and fumigants for the soil. Ether is also used to fulfil various purposes in the industrial field. It also includes other uses as well.

Claisen rearrangement: mechanism

The reaction here is predominantly expresses the transformation of an important compound namely ether. This mechanism is essential for better understanding. It is an exothermic reaction by nature. It refers to the particular reaction in which the heat is liberated by a particular molecule to nature. The polar solvents are usually responsible for the acceleration of this reaction. Further acceleration is provided by the hydrogenbonding solvents to make the reaction faster.

Aliphatic Claisen rearrangement: Allyl Vinyl Ethers

In this particular type of reaction, heat plays the most important role. Here, heat works as a catalyst for this particular reaction. When this particular allyl vinyl ether comes into contact with the heat then a transition state is formed by it. Now, the particular sigmatropic rearrangement happens and it leads to the creation of the desired gamma and delta-unsaturated carbonyl compound product. The particular mechanisms are exhibited as mentioned in the following picture −

Figure 1 − Aliphatic Claisen Rearrangement reaction

Aromatic Claisen rearrangement: Allyl Phenyl Ethers

This is an essential mechanism for this reaction.

Figure 2 − Aromatic Claisen Rearrangement reaction

In this particular process, the electrons are generally pushed toward a particular ring, which is six-membered in the process called the electro-cyclic process. The dienone results in, which undergoes tautomerization to deliver its form of aromatic enol. It is more stable for than that of dienone form.

Claisen rearrangement: Variations

Claisen rearrangement is one of the important reactions that are essential for the generation of the strong carbon bond which is needed for the biosynthesis of the fatty acid”. Different types of variations are found in this mechanism. Some of the most popular variations of this mechanism are mentioned below −

  • Aromatic Claisen rearrangement − In this type of rearrangement the structures of the transition state for the management of aromatic Claisen are calculated by the certain method named molecular orbital method.

  • Eschenmoser–Claisen rearrangement − The specific condensation with the allylic alcohols is generally followed by the loss of the second equivalent of ethanol and gives ketene. It further undergoes 3,3-sigmatropic rearrangement for affording γ,δ-unsaturated amides. It generally works under a low-pressure atmosphere.

  • Photo-Claisen rearrangement − In the field of photochemistry, this type of rearrangement is a newly introduced. It refers to the novel approaches to the total synthesis of the kendomycin which further makes use of rearrangement ofphoto-Fries and it also acts as one of the key steps in whole mechanisms.

  • Ireland Claisen rearrangement − This is one of the most popular methods that are used in the synthesis of the various ranges of products in a significant way. It includes the ease of allylic ester and also shows ability of controlling E/Z geometry.


Claisen Rearrangement denotes the chemical bond between carbon molecules. This is considered as one of the essential reactions. One of the most important elements that are used in this method is ether. Alcohol and ether are similar structure. Claisen Rearrangement is a necessary chemical reaction. It is an irreversible procedure, as products are much more stable than reactants. Stereochemistry associated with carbon rearrangement is transferred on to the products.


1. What does mainly follow in the Claisen rearrangement?

This denotes the specific type of the reaction that indicates the occurrences of organic reaction between ethers. It is generally transformed into 3,3-sigmatropic which refers to the rearrangement and creates γ and unsaturated carbonyl molecues.

2. What is the main role of heat in the reaction"called Claisen rearrangement?

Heat plays a vital role in any kind of reaction. This reaction is also not an exception. With the addition of the extra heat, the process of the reaction is mainly simplified and the process is usually facilitated effectively.

3. What is the nature of the Claisen Rearrangement reaction?

It is an exothermic reaction. It means a certain amount of heat is being removed during the process of this reaction.

4. What is Allyl Phenyl Ethers?

It is a specific type of ether. It denotes a particular type of organic compound in chemistry. There are several importance of ether that can be found in this regard. These are very important chemical substances with multiple applications in various fields.

Updated on: 14-Mar-2024


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