Circular Visualization of Dataset using hishiryo Python

Visualizing data is a crucial part of data analysis, as it can help to uncover insights and reveal patterns in complex datasets. Circular visualizations are a unique approach to visualizing data, which can be particularly useful in identifying relationships and patterns that are not immediately apparent using traditional graphing techniques.

This article will provide a comprehensive guide to creating circular visualizations using the Hishiryo Python library. We will explore the advantages of circular visualizations, delve into the basics of the Hishiryo Python library, and demonstrate how to create circular visualizations using different types of datasets. Upon completion of this article, readers will have a firm understanding of how to effectively use circular visualizations with the Hishiryo Python library to analyze their own datasets.

Hishiryo Python

Hishiryo Python is a Python−based open−source library for data visualization that is built on top of the popular matplotlib library. It offers a user−friendly, high−level interface for creating visually−appealing and interactive graphics, with support for a diverse range of chart types such as line charts, scatter plots, bar charts, and histograms, among many others. In addition to basic chart types, Hishiryo Python boasts of advanced features like animations, interactivity, and extensive customization options to help users create more sophisticated visualizations tailored to their specific needs.

Circular Visualization

A circular visualization, sometimes called a polar plot or spider chart, is a type of data visualization that employs a circular or polar coordinate system to display data. In a circular visualization, variables are represented as points on the circumference of a circle, while the distance of the points from the center of the circle represents the values of the variables. This type of chart is ideal for comparing multiple variables at once and revealing patterns and trends within the data. By displaying data in this way, circular visualizations offer a unique perspective on complex datasets and can be a powerful tool for data analysis and communication.

Creating a Circular Visualization

To create a circular visualization of a dataset using Hishiryo Python, we need to follow the following steps:

Load the dataset

We need to load the dataset that we want to visualize using Hishiryo Python. For this example, we will use the iris dataset, which is a popular dataset for machine learning and data analysis. We can load the iris dataset using the Seaborn library, which is built on top of matplotlib.

import seaborn as sns

iris = sns.load_dataset('iris')

Create a circular visualization:

We can create a circular visualization using the function provided by Hishiryo Python. The function takes the following arguments:

  • data: The dataset to be visualized.

  • columns: A list of column names to include in the visualization.

  • colors: A list of colors to use for the different categories in the dataset.

  • title: The title of the visualization.

import hishiryo as hy, columns=['sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'petal_length', 'petal_width'], colors=['red', 'green', 'blue'], title='Iris Dataset')

The resulting visualization will be a circular plot with each variable represented as a point on the circumference of the circle. The size of each point represents the value of the variable, and the color represents the category.

Customizing the Visualization

Hishiryo Python provides many options for customizing the circular visualization. For example, we can change the size of the plot, the colors of the points, and the labels of the axes., columns=['sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'petal_length', 'petal_width'], colors=['red', 'green', 'blue'], title='Iris Dataset', size=8, point_colors=['black', 'white', 'gray'], xlabel='Sepal Length', ylabel='Petal Length')

In this example, we have set the size of the plot to 8 inches, changed the colors of the points, and added custom labels for the axes.


In summary, the hishiryo Python library is a tool that helps us to visualize data in a circular format. Circular visualization is a helpful technique for exploring relationships and patterns in complex data sets. With hishiryo, you can easily create circular plots and chord diagrams, and customize them as per your needs. Circular visualizations can reveal information that is not easily noticeable in traditional visualization methods. This makes them a useful tool for displaying genomic data, social networks, and other complex datasets.

In addition to visualizations, hishiryo also provides analysis tools for exploring circular datasets. These tools can perform statistical analysis and clustering, which can help you better understand your data. Overall, hishiryo Python is a simple and user−friendly tool for creating circular visualizations and exploring circular datasets.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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