Choose the most appropriate answer.

1. These cells line the inner walls of the blood vessels, lungs, heart, and oesophagus.

a. squamous epithelium b. cuboidal epithelium c. columnar epithelium d. blood

2. Tissue that forms the external covering, as well as the lining of the internal organ, is

a.muscular tissue b. nervous tissue c. connective tissue d. epithelial tissue

3. Epithelial tissue that is made up of cells with more length than width is called

a. squamous epithelium b. columnar epithelium c. cuboidal epithelium d. none of these

4. Involuntary muscles have

a. no nucleus b. one nucleus c. two nuclei d many nuclei

5. Cardiac muscles are

a. spindle-shaped b. cylindrical c. cylindrical and branched d. Spherical

6. Muscles which work continuously and tirelessly are

a. voluntary muscles b. involuntary muscles c. cardiac muscles d. all of these

7. Dendrons in a neuron further divide to form

a. cyton b. bones c. axon d. dendrites

8. White fibrous tissue is found in

a. tendons b. ligaments c. bones d. cartilages

9. Connective tissue which acts as packing material around organs is

a. yellow fibrous tissue b. white fibrous tissue c. areolar tissue d. cartilage

10. Bone is a type of

a. skeletal tissue b. nervous tissue c. connective tissue d. muscular tissue

1. squamous epithelium

2. epithelial tissue

3. cuboidal epithelium

4. one nucleus

5. cylindrical and branched

6. cardiac muscles

7. dendrites

8. tendons & ligaments (you can write either of them)

9. areolar tissue

10. connective tissue

Updated on: 30-Mar-2023


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