Choose the correct option in each of the following:-
1. Which of the following is a liquid at ordinary temperature?A. Carbon B. Phosphorus C. Oxygen D. Bromine
2. Which of the following is/are solid nonmetals?A. Carbon B. Sulpher C. Phosphorus D. All of these
3. Which of the followings is the best conductor of electricity?A. Silver B. Copper C. Aluminium D. Iron
4. Which of the following will displace copper from a solution of copper (II) sulphate?A. Magnesium B. Aluminium C. Iron D. All of these
5. Which of the followings gases is used in advertisement signs?A. Hydrogen B. Oxygen C. Nitrogen D. Neon

1. Which of the following is a liquid at ordinary temperature? 

Ans- Option (d) Bromine.

2. Which of the following is/are solid nonmetals?

 Ans- Option (d) All of these.

3. Which of the followings is the best conductor of electricity?

Ans- Option (a) Silver

4. Which of the following will displace copper from a solution of copper (II) sulphate?

Ans- Option (d) All of these.

5. Which of the followings gases is used in advertisement signs?

Ans- Option (d) Neon.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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