

Chlorine can be called a chemical element containing the atomic number 17. It belongs to group 17 in the periodic table. It is presented through the symbol Cl2 and it has the electronic configuration $\mathrm{1s^{2}\:2s^{2}2p^{6}3s^{2}3p^{5}\:(or\:[Ne]^{10}3s^{2}3p^{5})}$. This element has various uses in the industries and in different household works. It can be converted into liquid form by pressurizing it.

What is Chlorine?

The chemical element Cl2 is the second lightest member of the halogen elements. It belongs to Group 17 (Group VIIa) of the periodic table. It is a corrosive, toxic, greenish-yellow gas. It is irritating to the eyes and in the respiratory system. It lies in the periodic table between Fluorine and Bromine and it can be found in the gaseous form at room temperature. It bears the electric configuration $\mathrm{1s^{2}2s^{2}2p^{6}3s^{2}3p^{5}\:(or\:[Ne]^{10}3s^{2}3p^{5})}$.

It is called the third most abundant element of Earth in oceans. It has a strong smell and it can be found in the human body. It is made of two isotopes with atomic mas of − 35 and 37. Sometimes it can be found in the form of a poisonous gas. It can be changed into liquid by giving pressure and it is stored. Inhalation of a large amount of Chlorine gas can cause pulmonary edema.


Physical properties:

Color Greenish-yellow
Phase Gaseous at room temperature
Odor A discomforting and suffocating smell
Density 3.214g/cm3
Solubility It is soluble in water
Boiling point -34.04°C
Melting point -101°C
Atomic Number 17
Atomic mass 35.453 g.mol-1
Electro negativity according to Pauling 3.0
Van Der Waals Radius 0.127 nm
Ionic radius 0.184 (-2) nm; 0.029 nm (+6)
Isotopes 4
Electronic shell $\mathrm{[Ne]3s^{2}3p^{5}}$
The energy of first ionization 1255.7 kj.mol-1
Energy of second ionization 2298 kj.mol-1
Energy of third ionization 3822 kj.mol-1
Standard potential -1.36 V
Discovered by Carl Wilhelm Scheele in 1774
Toxicity Highly toxic

Table 1 − Physical properties of Chlorine

Chemical properties:

Compounds Polyvinyl chloride, Hydrochloric acid, and Sodium Chloride
Reactivity with metals Dry Chlorine is reactive towards most of the metals but not only upon heating
Combustion The reaction occurs with alkali metals with combustion in the presence of moisture
Explosive Some mixtures become explosive
Oxidation $\mathrm{Cl_{2}O\:,\:ClO_{2}\:,\:Cl_{2}O_{6}\:,\:Cl_{2}O_{7}\:and\:Cl_{2}O_{8}}$ are oxides of Chlorine

Figure 2 − Chemical properties of Chlorine


Chlorine contains the atomic number 17 and it means that Cl2 contains 17 protons and 17 electrons in its atomic structure. There is the presence of three primary electron shells and electrons are arranged into the shells. The 1st electron shell contains 2 electrons and the second shell contains 8 electrons and third has 7 electrons. This picture shows that the valency of Chlorine is 7. The most important factor is that Chlorine needs only one more electron to complete its octet configuration. That is the reason the valency of Chlorine can also be considered to be 1.


Chlorine has a variety of uses and it is considered the main element to disinfect water. It is a part of the sanitation process for sewage and industrial waste. It works as a bleaching agent during the process of paper and cloth production. Cl has the ability to dissolve in water and that is the reason it is used in household bleach. It is also used in the manufacturing process of medicines.

It helps in reducing cholesterol, controls arthritis pain, and relieves allergy symptoms. Chlorine helps in purifying the Silicon in grains of sand and helping transform them into solar panel chips. In the manufacturing process of airbags, cushions and bumpers, it has been used. Cl helps in the abundant production of crops by protecting them against pests. It also helps in keeping the kitchen surfaces germ free. Chlorine is applied in the making of high-speed processors useful in smart phones, laptops, and computers.


This tutorial concludes that Chlorine (Cl) is the third most abundant element of Earth n oceans. It has different characteristics and has many uses in the household as well as industrial works such as in the paper industry. It can be found as a greenish-yellow color and it has a very strong smell. Chlorine is a mixture of two stable isotopes such as Chlorine-35 and Chlorine-37. Cl is also present in the human body as a negative ion, called Chloride.


1. What kinds of foods have the presence of high Chlorine?

The foods having a high amount of Chlorine are tomatoes, seaweed, lettuce, rye, olives, and celery. Potassium Chloride has a common salt base, which is useful in preparing foods. The most important factor about Chlorine is that it can also be found in the human body as a negative ion, called Chloride.

2. Does Chlorine come naturally?

It is seen that Chlorine does not exist naturally on the planet. The important factor regarding it is that electrolysis of seawater can produce Chlorine. It is considered the ninth most abundant element in the human body.

3. What are the uses of Chlorine?

Chlorine has different uses such as to disinfect water. It is a part of the sanitization process for sewage and industrial waste. It is used as a bleaching agent in the process of production of clothes and papers. Many household works are done through bleaching and it has various uses in cleaning products.

4. Why is Chlorine so harmful?

Excess consumption of Chlorine while breathing can cause fluid build-up in the lungs. This condition is known as pulmonary edema and it is seen that when a person met compressed liquid then it can cause frostbite of the skin and eyes.

Updated on: 14-Mar-2024


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