Checking the byte of slice for specified regular expression in Golang

Regular expressions are an essential aspect of programming, and they are widely used for pattern matching in various programming languages, including Golang. The byte slice is a data type that is used to represent sequences of bytes in Golang. In this article, we will discuss how to check the byte slice for a specified regular expression in Golang.

Checking Byte Slice for Regular Expression

To check the byte slice for a specified regular expression in Golang, we can use the "regexp" package. This package provides functions for compiling, matching, and replacing regular expressions.

The "regexp" package provides a function called "Compile" that takes a string as input and compiles the regular expression pattern into a regular expression object that can be used for pattern matching. We can then use the "Match" function of the "regexp" package to check whether the byte slice matches the regular expression pattern.

Here is an example of checking the byte slice for a specified regular expression −


package main

import (
func main() {
   b := []byte("Hello, World!")
   pattern := "llo"
   re, err := regexp.Compile(pattern)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Println("Error compiling regular expression")
   if re.Match(b) {
      fmt.Printf("Byte slice contains the pattern '%s'\n", pattern)
   } else {
      fmt.Printf("Byte slice does not contain the pattern '%s'\n", pattern)


Byte slice contains the pattern 'llo'

In the above example, we have created a byte slice "b" containing the string "Hello, World!" and a regular expression pattern "llo". We have then compiled the regular expression pattern into a regular expression object using the "Compile" function of the "regexp" package. We have then used the "Match" function of the "regexp" package to check whether the byte slice "b" matches the regular expression pattern.

If the byte slice matches the regular expression pattern, the program will output "Byte slice contains the pattern 'llo'". If the byte slice does not match the regular expression pattern, the program will output "Byte slice does not contain the pattern 'llo'".


In this article, we have discussed how to check the byte slice for a specified regular expression in Golang. We have used the "regexp" package to compile the regular expression pattern into a regular expression object and the "Match" function to check whether the byte slice matches the regular expression pattern. By using the "regexp" package, we can easily perform pattern matching on byte slices in Golang.

Updated on: 17-Apr-2023


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