Checking Slice of bytes for equality under Unicode case folding in Golang

In Golang, byte slices are widely used to store and manipulate binary data. When comparing two byte slices, it is important to take into account Unicode case folding. Unicode case folding is the process of converting characters to a common form, which makes them easier to compare. In this article, we will explore how to check if two byte slices are equal under Unicode case folding in Golang.

Unicode Case Folding in Golang

Unicode case folding is supported by the unicode package in Golang. The unicode package provides functions for converting characters to different case forms, including uppercase, lowercase, and titlecase. The Fold function is used for case folding, which converts a character to its canonical case. The EqualFold function is used to compare two Unicode strings for case-insensitive equality.

Checking Slice of Bytes for Equality under Unicode Case Folding

To check if two byte slices are equal under Unicode case folding in Golang, we need to convert the byte slices to Unicode strings using the string function. We can then use the EqualFold function from the unicode package to check if the two strings are equal under Unicode case folding.

Here's an example code that demonstrates how to check if two byte slices are equal under Unicode case folding in Golang −


package main

import (

func main() {
   // create two byte slices
   slice1 := []byte{'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'}
   slice2 := []byte{'h', 'E', 'L', 'l', 'o'}

   // convert byte slices to strings
   str1 := string(slice1)
   str2 := string(slice2)

   // check for equality under Unicode case folding
   if strings.EqualFold(str1, str2) {
      fmt.Println("Byte slices are equal under Unicode case folding.")
   } else {
      fmt.Println("Byte slices are not equal under Unicode case folding.")


Byte slices are equal under Unicode case folding.

In the above code, we create two byte slices slice1 and slice2 with the same characters, but different cases. We then convert these byte slices to Unicode strings using the string function and ToLower function from the strings package. Finally, we use the EqualFold function from the unicode package to check if the two strings are equal under Unicode case folding.


Unicode case folding is an important aspect to consider when comparing byte slices in Golang. The unicode package provides functions to convert characters to different case forms, including uppercase, lowercase, and titlecase, and also provides the EqualFold function to compare two Unicode strings for case-insensitive equality. By using these functions, we can easily check if two byte slices are equal under Unicode case folding in Golang.

Updated on: 07-Apr-2023


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