Checking if a number is some power of the other JavaScript

In this problem statement, our objective is to check if a given input number is some power of the other number. And implement this problem with the help of Javascript functionalities.

Logic for the given problem

The main objective of this problem statement is to determine if a given number is a power of another number. We need to use Javascript to implement this code. To check if a number a is a power of another number b, we can take the logarithm of a with base b using the math.log function and then we can check if the result is an integer. if the result is an integer then a is a power of b.

So to implement the code we will define a function which takes two arguments a and b. This function will first calculate the logarithm of a with the base b with the help of Math.log function. But MAth.log returns the natural logarithm of a number so we will divide the result by the logarithm of b to get the logarithm of x with the base b.


Step 1 − The first step is to declare a function called powerOfOther with passing two arguments a and b.

Step 2 − After declaring the function, now inside this function calculate the logarithm of a and b by using Math.log function of Javascript.

Step 3 − Now, we will check that the outcome of the second step is an integer or not. If it is integer than it is the power of the given number otherwise it is not.

Step 4 − Now check different values on the console for getting the result.

Code for the algorithm

function powerOfOther(a, b) {
   // Calculate the logarithm of a with base b
   const result = Math.log(a) / Math.log(b);
   // Check if the result is an integer
   return Number.isInteger(result);

// Example usage
console.log(powerOfOther(8, 2));
console.log(powerOfOther(28, 3));
console.log(powerOfOther(10, 2));


The time and space complexites are O(1), because it performs a constant number of operations as per the size of the input numbers. It uses only a fixed amount of memory to store the result of the program. It means that the function is determining quickly that a given number is a power of another number or not.


So the function created in the above code is a very efficient method for checking that a given number is a power of another number with the help of Javascript methods. The function is able to perform the given task very well and it does require a small large amount of space to do this operation. So this is a reliable and efficient solution to the given problem.

Updated on: 18-May-2023


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