Check if ListDictionary contains a specific key in C#

To check if ListDictionary contains a specific key, the code is as follows −


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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

public class Demo {
   public static void Main() {
      ListDictionary dict1 = new ListDictionary();
      dict1.Add("A", "Books");
      dict1.Add("B", "Electronics");
      dict1.Add("C", "Smart Wearables");
      dict1.Add("D", "Pet Supplies");
      dict1.Add("E", "Clothing");
      dict1.Add("F", "Footwear");
      Console.WriteLine("ListDictionary1 elements...");
      foreach(DictionaryEntry d in dict1) {
         Console.WriteLine(d.Key + " " + d.Value);
      ListDictionary dict2 = new ListDictionary();
      dict2.Add("1", "One");
      dict2.Add("2", "Two");
      dict2.Add("3", "Three");
      dict2.Add("4", "Four");
      dict2.Add("5", "Five");
      dict2.Add("6", "Six");
ListDictionary2 key-value pairs...");       IDictionaryEnumerator demoEnum = dict2.GetEnumerator();       while (demoEnum.MoveNext())       Console.WriteLine("Key = " + demoEnum.Key + ", Value = "+ demoEnum.Value);       Console.WriteLine("Is the ListDictionary having fixed size? = "+dict2.IsFixedSize);       Console.WriteLine("If ListDictionary read-only? = "+dict2.IsReadOnly);       Console.WriteLine("Is ListDictionary synchronized = "+dict2.IsSynchronized);       Console.WriteLine("The ListDictionary has the key 5? = "+dict2.Contains("5"));    } }


This will produce the following output −

ListDictionary1 elements...
A Books
B Electronics
C Smart Wearables
D Pet Supplies
E Clothing
F Footwear
ListDictionary2 key-value pairs...
Key = 1, Value = One
Key = 2, Value = Two
Key = 3, Value = Three
Key = 4, Value = Four
Key = 5, Value = Five
Key = 6, Value = Six
Is the ListDictionary having fixed size? = False
If ListDictionary read-only? = False
Is ListDictionary synchronized = False
The ListDictionary has the key 5? = True


Let us see another example −

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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
public class Demo {
   public static void Main() {
      ListDictionary dict = new ListDictionary();
      dict.Add("1", "SUV");
      dict.Add("2", "Sedan");
      dict.Add("3", "Utility Vehicle");
      dict.Add("4", "Compact Car");
      dict.Add("5", "SUV");
      dict.Add("6", "Sedan");
      dict.Add("7", "Utility Vehicle");
      dict.Add("8", "Compact Car");
      dict.Add("9", "Crossover");
      dict.Add("10", "Electric Car");
      Console.WriteLine("ListDictionary elements...");
      foreach(DictionaryEntry d in dict) {
         Console.WriteLine(d.Key + " " + d.Value);
Is the ListDictionary having fixed size? = "+dict.IsFixedSize);       Console.WriteLine("If ListDictionary read-only? = "+dict.IsReadOnly);       Console.WriteLine("Is ListDictionary synchronized = "+dict.IsSynchronized);       Console.WriteLine("The ListDictionary has the key M? = "+dict.Contains("M"));    } }


This will produce the following output −

ListDictionary elements...
2 Sedan
3 Utility Vehicle
4 Compact Car
6 Sedan
7 Utility Vehicle
8 Compact Car
9 Crossover
10 Electric Car
Is the ListDictionary having fixed size? = False
If ListDictionary read-only? = False
Is ListDictionary synchronized = False
The ListDictionary has the key M? = False

Updated on: 06-Dec-2019


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