C# Program to Generate Marksheet of Student


There are a lot of ways to generate a mark sheet for a student. Today we will learn one of them. In this article, we will learn a C# program to generate the mark sheet of a student. Let us learn the algorithm first.


Let us discuss the algorithm to write the program which generates the mark sheet of a student. The student has to give the input to the system and then the mark sheet is generated.

Step 1 − Firstly we declare the integer variables for storing the different data such as the roll number of the student and marks of the subject.

Step 2  Next we declare a float variable to store the percentage of the student.

Step 3  Next we declare a string variable to store the name of the student.

Step 4  Now we get the inputs from the user i.e., the student’s roll number, name, and marks in the subjects.

Step 5  Then we add the marks of the subject and calculate the percentage of the student. We are using Convert.ToInt32() which is an explicit conversion to convert the input into a 32-bit signed integer.

Step 6  Now, we compare the percentage with the grade chart and tell the grade of the student and close the program.

Now, it is time to see the code for the algorithm.


// C# program to generate the mark sheet of the student
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
class tpt{

   static void Main(string[] args) {

      // Variables declaration for collection of different data
      int rollnum, marksub1, marksub2, marksub3, marksub4, marksub5, totalmark;

      // Declaration of percentage variable
      float stud_percent;

      // Declaration of string variable to store student name
      string name;

      // Getting the student’s roll number
      Console.WriteLine("Enter the roll number of the student :");
      rollnum = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

      // Getting the student’s name
      Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the student :");
      name = Console.ReadLine();

      // Getting the student’s first subject marks
      Console.WriteLine("Enter the marks of first subject : ");
      marksub1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

      //Getting the student’s second subject marks
      Console.WriteLine("Enter the marks of second subject : ");
      marksub2 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

      // Getting the student’s third subject marks
      Console.WriteLine("Enter the marks of third subject : ");
      marksub3 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

      // Getting the student’s fourth subject marks
      Console.WriteLine("Enter the marks of fourth subject : ");
      marksub4 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
      // Getting the student’s fifth subject marks
      Console.WriteLine("Enter the marks of fifth subject : ");
      marksub5 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
      // Adding the total marks of the student
      totalmark = marksub1 + marksub2 + marksub3 + marksub4 + marksub5;

      // Calculating the percentage of the student
      stud_percent = totalmark / 5.0f; 
      // Displaying the total marks and percentage of the student
      Console.WriteLine("Final result of {0} is : ", name);
      Console.WriteLine("Total Marks : " + totalmark);
      Console.WriteLine("Percentage : " + stud_percent);

      // Block to calculate the grades of the student
      if (stud_percent <= 35) {
         Console.WriteLine("Grade : F");
      else if (stud_percent >= 34 && stud_percent <= 39) {
         Console.WriteLine("Grade : D");
      else if (stud_percent >= 40 && stud_percent <= 59) {
         Console.WriteLine("Grade : C");
      else if (stud_percent >= 60 && stud_percent <= 69) {
         Console.WriteLine("Grade : B");
      else if (stud_percent >= 70 && stud_percent <= 79) {
         Console.WriteLine("Grade : B+");
      else if (stud_percent >= 80 && stud_percent <= 90) {
         Console.WriteLine("Grade : A");
      else if (stud_percent >= 91) {
         Console.WriteLine("Grade : A+");


Enter the roll number of the student :
Enter the name of the student :
Enter the marks of first subject :
Enter the marks of second subject :
Enter the marks of third subject :
Enter the marks of fourth subject :
Enter the marks of fifth subject :
Final result of Leo is :
Total Marks : 79
Percentage : 15.8
Grade : F 

Now there is another way if the number of subjects is not fixed and varies along with every student then we can use the concept of arrays.


// C# program to generate the mark sheet of the student
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
class tpt{

   static void Main(string[] args) {

      // Variables declaration for collection of different data
      int rollnum, subnum, totalmark=0;
      int[] marksub=new int[25];
      // Declaration of percentage variable
      float stud_percent;
      // Declaration of string variable to store student name
      string name;
      // Getting the student’s roll number
      Console.WriteLine("Enter the roll number of the student :");
      rollnum = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
      // Getting the student’s name
      Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the student :");
      name = Console.ReadLine();
      // Getting the number of subjects 

      Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of subjects : ");
      subnum = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

      //Getting the student’s subject marks
      for(int i=1; i<=subnum; i++) {
         Console.WriteLine("Enter the marks of {0} subject : ",+i);
         marksub[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

      // Calculating the percentage of the student
      stud_percent = totalmark / subnum;

      // Displaying the total marks and percentage of the student
      Console.WriteLine("Final result of {0} is : ", name);
      Console.WriteLine("Total Marks : " + totalmark);
      Console.WriteLine("Percentage : " + stud_percent);

      // Block to calculate the grades of the student
      if (stud_percent <= 35) {
         Console.WriteLine("Grade : F");
      else if (stud_percent >= 34 && stud_percent <= 39) {
         Console.WriteLine("Grade : D");
      else if (stud_percent >= 40 && stud_percent <= 59) {
         Console.WriteLine("Grade : C");
      else if (stud_percent >= 60 && stud_percent <= 69) {
         Console.WriteLine("Grade : B");
      else if (stud_percent >= 70 && stud_percent <= 79) {
         Console.WriteLine("Grade : B+");
      else if (stud_percent >= 80 && stud_percent <= 90) {
         Console.WriteLine("Grade : A");
      else if (stud_percent >= 91) {
         Console.WriteLine("Grade : A+");


Enter the roll number of the student :
Enter the name of the student :
Enter the number of subjects :
Enter the marks of 1 subject :
Enter the marks of 2 subject :
Final result of Cris is :
Total Marks : 166
Percentage : 83
Grade : A 

Time Complexity

The first code in which the number of subjects is known has no loops and the size of data is fixed so the time complexity is O(1).

The second code has an array for the number of subjects. So, after the number of subjects is entered the loop runs to get the marks of the subject and add them to the number of subjects entered by the user i.e., n number of times. So, the time complexity is O(N). Now, let us conclude the article.


In this article we learned to write a C# Program to generate a mark sheet of a student in two different ways. One with a known number of subjects and another with an unknown number of subjects. So with this, we end the article. We hope that this article enhances your knowledge regarding C#.

Updated on: 21-Apr-2023

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