C# Aggregate() method

The Aggregate() method applies an accumulator function over a sequence.

The following is our array −

string[] arr = { "DemoOne", "DemoTwo", "DemoThree", "DemoFour"};

Now use the Aggregate() method. We have set the ssed value as “DemoFive” for comparison.

string res = arr.AsQueryable().Aggregate("DemoFive", (longest, next) => next.Length > longest.Length ? next : longest,str => str.ToLower());

Here, the resultant string should have more number of characters than the initial seed value i.e. “DemoFive”.


 Live Demo

using System;
using System.Linq;
class Demo {
   static void Main() {
      string[] arr = { "DemoOne", "DemoTwo", "DemoThree", "DemoFour"};
      string res = arr.AsQueryable().Aggregate("DemoFive", (longest, next) => next.Length >       longest.Length ? next : longest,str => str.ToLower());
      Console.WriteLine("The string with more number of characters: {0}", res);


The string with more number of characters: demothree

Updated on: 22-Jun-2020


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