Characteristics of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is one of the most used in information technology. The delivery of IT resources in response to user demand is referred to as cloud computing. Let's see some of the important characteristics of cloud computing.

Characteristics of Cloud Computing

On-Demand Self-Service

Cloud computing allows on-demand self-services. Services include storage, networking, analysis, etc. Users can select and use single or multiple services depending on their needs. Users become more accountable for their intake, which improves their ability to make wise decisions. Users can make use of resources following their needs and specifications. They are charged at the end of the billing cycle based on how much they use the services provided by the cloud service providers.

Broad Network Access

The cloud is accessible to any device from any location because of widespread network access. A cloud provider must offer its clients numerous network access options. Otherwise, a few systems would be available for using the cloud service.

Broad network access contains configuration for secure remote access, paying special attention to mobile cloud computing, regulating the data that broad access network providers have collected, enforcing role-based access control, etc. As a result, cloud computing removes obstacles and borders because it operates across numerous regions.

Scalability or Rapid Elasticity

A system's capacity to manage an increasing volume of work by adding resources is known as scalability. Cloud services must quickly develop to keep up with the ongoing expansion of businesses. One of the most flexible aspects of cloud computing is scalability. In addition to having the potential to increase the number of servers or infrastructure in response to demand, it also offers a significant number of features that satisfy the needs of its clients.

Scalability further improves cloud computing’s cost-effectiveness and suitability for business use. It can be dialed back when demand is low and exponentially expanded when demand is high. When demand declines, services revert to how they were before. It is comparable to when a restaurant can accept more people during peak hours, but it is a cloud. This requires a lot of planning, money, and resources, but cloud service providers handle every element.

Resource Pooling

Resource pooling is one of the core components of cloud computing. A cloud service provider can provide each client with different services based on their demands by employing resource pooling to divide resources across many clients.

Resource pooling is a multi-client approach for location independence, network infrastructure pooling, storage systems, etc. The process of real-time resource assignment does not affect the client's experience. This is often used in wireless technologies like a radio transmission.

Measured Service

Cloud systems automatically manage and manage resource utilization by using a metering capability. The consumption of resources is tracked for each application and tenant; it will give both the user and the resource supplier an account of what has been utilized. Monitoring, regulating, and reporting resource utilization allows for transparency for the service provider and the service user.

The metering capability is built into some level of service abstraction, which enables transparency between the customer and the service provider. Each user must be billed according to how much of the service they use, and the cloud provider must be able to measure this usage.


Users of cloud computing are particularly concerned about data security. Cloud service providers store users' encrypted data and offer additional security features like user authentication and protection against breaches and other threats.

User authentication entails identifying and verifying a user's authorization. Access is denied to the user if they do not have permission. Data servers are physically protected. These servers are usually kept in a secure, isolated location to prevent unauthorized access or disruption.


Automation in cloud computing refers to a cloud service's ability to be installed, configured, and maintained automatically. In other words, it is the process of maximizing technology and minimizing the amount of manual labor necessary. However, it is not simple to automate the cloud ecosystem. It requires the deployment of significant storage, servers, and virtual machines. After successful deployment, these resources need to be maintained.

Budget Friendly

Businesses can reduce their IT expenses by utilizing this aspect of the cloud. In cloud computing, the client is responsible for paying the administration for any space they use. There are no additional fees or hidden costs to be paid.

The payment structure is crucial since it reduces expenses. Due to the extra functionality, cloud computing choices have a wide range of pricing. The payment option is simple and helps consumers save time when making frequent payments.


Cloud computing users can access data or services with internet-enabled devices like smartphones and laptops. You can instantly access anything you want in the cloud with just a click, making working with data and sharing it simple.

Many businesses prefer to store their work on cloud systems because it facilitates collaboration and saves money and resources. Its expansion is also being sped up by the number of features analytic tools offer.


Resilience in cloud computing refers to a service's capacity to quickly recover from any disruption. The speed at which a cloud's servers, databases, and network system restart and recover from damage or harm is a measure of its resilience.

Cloud computing offers vital services because it guarantees constant server uptime. This enables service recovery in the event of a disruption, and the cloud service provider plans to enhance disaster management by maintaining backup cloud nodes.


Here we have briefly discussed different characteristics of cloud computing. Cloud computing has lower cost, higher security, automation, mobility, accessibility, flexibility, resilience, and scalability.

Updated on: 16-Nov-2022

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