When it comes to storing character data in a database, there are two main types of fields you can use in SQL: CHAR and VARCHAR. While both can be used to store character data, they have some important differences that you should be aware of in order to make the best use of them in your database design.

Length and Storage

The first major difference between CHAR and VARCHAR is the way they store data. CHAR is a fixed-length field, which means that every record that uses it takes up the same amount of space. For example, if you have a CHAR(10) field, every value stored in that field will take up 10 characters of storage space, regardless of how many characters are actually in the value.

VARCHAR, on the other hand, is a variable-length field, which means that each value stored in it only takes up as much space as the number of characters in the value. For example, if you have a VARCHAR(10) field and you store the value "hello" in it, it will only take up 5 characters of storage space.

The length provided in the parentheses for char and varchar is the maximum length of string it can store, the most common are char(255) or varchar(255)


Performance is another important consideration when deciding between CHAR and VARCHAR. Because a fixed-length field takes up the same amount of space for every record, it can be more efficient for the database to search and sort records using that field. In a large table, a CHAR field can be much faster than a VARCHAR field when sorting and searching based on that column.

However, because a variable-length field only takes up as much space as the data it contains, it can save storage space in a table with many records that have varying amounts of character data. This can be an important factor to consider if you are working with a database that is expected to grow very large over time.

Another important point to consider when choosing between CHAR and VARCHAR is the encoding of the characters. CHAR fields are typically encoded using a fixed-width character set, such as ASCII or UTF-8. This means that each character takes up the same amount of storage space, regardless of the actual value of the character.

VARCHAR fields, on the other hand, are typically encoded using a variable-width character set, such as UTF-8. This means that the amount of storage space required for each character can vary depending on the actual value of the character.

When it comes to performance, you should also consider the impact of the encoding on your database. For example, a fixed-width character set like ASCII can be more efficient for searching and sorting operations, because the database doesn't have to worry about variable-width characters.

However, a variable-width character set like UTF-8 can be more efficient for storing text in multiple languages, because it can handle a wider range of characters.


Another important difference between CHAR and VARCHAR is how they handle truncation. When a value that is too long to fit into a CHAR field is inserted into the field, the value will be truncated to fit the field length. For example, if you have a CHAR(5) field and try to insert the value "hello world" into it, the value will be truncated to "hello".

VARCHAR fields, on the other hand, do not truncate values. If you try to insert a value that is too long to fit into a VARCHAR field, the database will return an error. This is important to keep in mind when designing your database, as truncation can lead to data loss and inconsistencies.

To mitigate this, we can use 'SET' statements in SQL server that can help to truncate the value that goes beyond the defined length.


NULL and Empty String

Another thing to consider when choosing between CHAR and VARCHAR is how they handle NULL and empty string values. A CHAR field will typically treat a NULL value and an empty string as the same thing and will store them as an empty string.

A VARCHAR field, on the other hand, will typically treat a NULL value and an empty string as distinct values, allowing you to store a NULL value in the field if desired.

This can be an important factor to consider when designing your database, as it can affect the behavior of your queries and the overall integrity of your data.


In practice, you should use CHAR when you know that the values you're storing will always have the same number of characters and VARCHAR when you have a variable number of characters. You should also consider the performance characteristics mentioned above when deciding which type of field to use.

Another good rule of thumb is when you are storing data that is mostly fixed in size, use CHAR, and when you are storing large text, use VARCHAR.


--Creating a table with char field CREATE TABLE Employee ( EmployeeID INT PRIMARY KEY, EmployeeName CHAR(50) NOT NULL, EmployeeSalary DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL ); --Creating a table with varchar field CREATE TABLE Products ( ProductID INT PRIMARY KEY, ProductName VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, ProductPrice DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL, ProductDescription VARCHAR(255) );

In the above example, we create 2 tables, one with Employee having EmployeeName as char field with a fixed length of 50 characters. And another table with Products having variable length fields, ProductName and ProductDescription as varchar fields with a maximum length of 50 and 255 characters respectively.


In conclusion, while both CHAR and VARCHAR can be used to store character data in a SQL database, they have some important differences in terms of storage and performance. Choosing the right type of field to use in your database design can have a significant impact on the overall performance of your database. In general, CHAR fields are more efficient for fixed-length data, and VARCHAR fields are better for variable-length data.

Updated on: 16-Jan-2023

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