Changing the Replication Factor in Cassandra

Apache Cassandra is a highly scalable, distributed, and fault-tolerant NoSQL database that is widely used for managing large amounts of structured data across multiple commodity servers. One of the key features of Cassandra is its ability to replicate data across multiple nodes in a cluster, providing fault tolerance and high availability. In this article, we will discuss how to change the replication factor of a Cassandra cluster, and the considerations to keep in mind when doing so.

Introduction to Replication Factor

The replication factor in Cassandra refers to the number of copies of each piece of data that are stored across the nodes in a cluster. When a new piece of data is written to a Cassandra cluster, it is automatically replicated to a specified number of nodes, based on the replication factor. For example, if the replication factor is set to 3, each piece of data will be stored on 3 different nodes in the cluster.

The replication factor can be set at the keyspace level, or at the individual table level. This means that you can have different replication factors for different tables in the same keyspace. The replication factor is set when the keyspace is created and can be modified at a later time.

Changing the Replication Factor

There are two main ways to change the replication factor of a Cassandra cluster −

Using the ALTER KEYSPACE statement

The ALTER KEYSPACE statement is used to modify the properties of an existing keyspace, including the replication factor. The syntax for changing the replication factor using the ALTER KEYSPACE statement is as follows −

ALTER KEYSPACE keyspace_name
WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1': 3, 'datacenter2': 2};

In this example, the replication factor is being set to 3 for datacenter1 and 2 for datacenter2. This is a way to set different replication factors for different data centers and this is called NetworkTopologyStrategy.

Using the CREATE KEYSPACE statement

You can also change the replication factor of a keyspace by recreating it with a different replication factor. The CREATE KEYSPACE statement is used to create a new keyspace, and it can be used to recreate an existing keyspace with a modified replication factor.

The syntax for recreating a keyspace with a different replication factor is as follows −

CREATE KEYSPACE keyspace_name
WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3};

In this example, the replication factor is being set to 3. SimpleStrategy is another way to set the replication factor which is the same for all data centers.

Considerations when Changing the Replication Factor

There are a few things to keep in mind when changing the replication factor of a Cassandra cluster −

  • Increasing the replication factor will increase the amount of storage and network bandwidth required for the cluster.

  • Decreasing the replication factor will decrease the amount of storage and network bandwidth required for the cluster, but it will also decrease the level of fault tolerance.

  • Changing the replication factor will require the movement of data within the cluster, which can cause increased write latency and increased load on the cluster.

  • When changing the replication factor, it is important to make sure that the new replication factor is set correctly, and that the keyspace is properly configured.

  • When you reduce the replication factor, the existing data on the removed replicas need to be streamed to the remaining replicas. If the cluster is write-heavy during the streaming process, it can cause increased write latency and decreased read performance.

  • Changing the replication factor should only be done during a maintenance window when the traffic on the cluster is low, to minimize the impact on the performance of the cluster.

  • Changing the replication factor for a large keyspace can be a time-consuming process, and it is advisable to test the change on a small keyspace before applying it to a large keyspace.

  • NetworkTopologyStrategy can be used when you have multiple data centers and you want different replication factors for different data centers. SimpleStrategy should be used if you have a single data center and the replication factor will be the same for all nodes.

Point to take care of when changing the replication factor in Cassandra

  • Impact on Read and Write Performance − As mentioned before, changing the replication factor can have a significant impact on the read and write performance of a Cassandra cluster. When increasing the replication factor, write performance may decrease due to the need to write the data to multiple nodes. On the other hand, increasing the replication factor can improve read performance by allowing more nodes to handle read requests. It is important to consider the read and write workloads of your application before making any changes to the replication factor.

  • Consistency − Cassandra provides tunable consistency, which allows you to trade-off consistency for availability. Changing the replication factor can have an impact on consistency, as it determines the number of nodes that must acknowledge a write before it is considered successful. When the replication factor is increased, it can improve consistency by acknowledging writes from more nodes. However, increasing the replication factor can also decrease availability by requiring more nodes to be available for writes to succeed.

  • Node Failure and Data Loss − The replication factor is the key factor in data loss prevention and survival of node failure. When the replication factor is increased, the risk of data loss is reduced as there are more copies of the data stored in different nodes. However, increasing the replication factor can also increase the likelihood of experiencing a split-brain scenario, where different nodes in a cluster have different versions of the same data.

  • Updating Schema − Changing the replication factor can also have an impact on the schema of a Cassandra cluster. For example, when increasing the replication factor, new columns and tables may need to be added to accommodate the additional replicas. It is important to consider the impact on the schema when changing the replication factor and to update the schema accordingly.

  • Monitoring − After changing the replication factor, it is important to monitor the cluster to ensure that the new replication factor is working as expected. This includes monitoring metrics such as write latency, read latency, and the number of failed writes. Monitoring can also help identify any issues that may arise as a result of changing the replication factor, such as network congestion or a lack of available disk space.

It's always important to consider the needs of your specific use case and the potential risks and drawbacks of changing the replication factor. It's also recommended to do testing and monitoring in a test environment before making any changes in production.


In this article, we discussed how to change the replication factor of a Cassandra cluster and the considerations to keep in mind when doing so. Changing the replication factor can have a significant impact on the performance and fault tolerance of a Cassandra cluster, so it is important to be aware of the trade-offs involved and to plan accordingly. It is advisable to test the change on a small keyspace before applying it to a large keyspace and use NetworkTopologyStrategy when you have multiple data centers and SimpleStrategy if you have a single data center.

Updated on: 16-Jan-2023

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