Changing the colour of Tkinter Menu Bar

Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, has gained immense popularity for its ease of use and extensive libraries. One such library is Tkinter, which provides a simple and intuitive way to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Python. Tkinter offers a range of built−in widgets and features, allowing developers to design interactive applications that enhance user experience

In this tutorial, we will explore various methods to customize the color of the Tkinter menu bar. The menu bar, located at the top of the application window, provides a convenient way to access different functionalities and options. By default, Tkinter menu bars have a standardized appearance that may not always align with the desired visual aesthetics of your application. Fortunately, Tkinter offers flexibility in terms of customization, allowing us to modify the color scheme to suit our preferences and application theme. So, let's get started and give your Tkinter application a personalized touch!

Changing the colour of Tkinter Menu Bar

Tkinter provides us with different approaches, including widget−specific options, to achieve the desired visual effect. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process step−by−step:

Widget−Specific Options

Tkinter allows us to modify the appearance of individual widgets, including the menu bar, by using specific options. One such option is the `bg` (background) option, which enables us to change the background color of the menu bar.

To demonstrate this, let's consider a simple example where we create a Tkinter window with a menu bar. We'll then modify the background color of the menu bar using the `bg` option.

import tkinter as tk

# Create a new Tkinter window
window = tk.Tk()

# Create a menu bar
menu_bar = tk.Menu(window)

# Add menu items to the menu bar
# ...

# Configure the background color of the menu bar

# Attach the menu bar to the window

# Run the Tkinter event loop

In the code snippet above, we first import the `tkinter` module and create a new Tkinter window using the `Tk()` constructor. Then, we create a menu bar using the `Menu()` constructor and add menu items to it (you can customize the menu items according to your application's needs). Finally, we configure the background color of the menu bar by setting the `bg` option to "blue". By running the application, you will see the menu bar with a blue background color.

When the above code is executed, it will create a Tkinter window with a menu bar has a blue background color.

Changing the color using themes and style configurations

In this tutorial, we have already explored how to change the color of the Tkinter menu bar using widget−specific options. Now, let's take a look at an alternative method that provides more extensive customization possibilities: using themes and style configurations.

Themes in Tkinter are sets of predefined styles that determine the appearance of various widgets, including the menu bar. They allow us to modify the overall visual style of our application by changing attributes such as colors, fonts, and sizes. Tkinter comes with several built−in themes, and you can also create custom themes to suit your specific design requirements.

To change the appearance of the menu bar, we will select a specific theme using the `ttk` module. Tkinter provides different built−in themes such as "clam," "alt," "default," and more. We can choose any theme that suits our design preferences.

style = ttk.Style()

Now, we can modify the color of the menu bar by configuring the style element associated with it. In this case, we are interested in changing the background color, which we can achieve by using the `configure()` method on the style object.

style.configure("TMenubar", background="blue")

Next, we create a menu bar and attach it to the Tkinter window, similar to what we did in the previous section and run the Tkinter event loop to display the window with the customized menu bar.

menu_bar = tk.Menu(window)

Upon running the application, you will observe the menu bar with the specified color according to the chosen theme. By utilizing themes and style configurations, we can achieve a more cohesive and visually appealing design for our Tkinter application.


In this tutorial, we explored various methods to customize the color of the Tkinter menu bar. We provided examples for each of the methods discussed, including the use of widget−specific options and themes with style configurations. By following the step−by−step instructions and code snippets provided, you can easily modify the menu bar's color to suit your application's visual aesthetics. Whether you prefer a simple approach or more extensive customization, Tkinter offers the flexibility to create a personalized and visually appealing menu bar.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023

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