Challenges of NoSQL

NoSQL databases, which stand for "not only SQL," are a popular alternative to traditional relational databases. They are designed to handle large amounts of unstructured or semi-structured data, and are often used for big data and real-time web applications. However, like any technology, NoSQL databases come with their own set of challenges.

Challenges of NoSQL

Data modeling and schema design

One of the biggest challenges with NoSQL databases is data modeling and schema design. Unlike relational databases, which have a well-defined schema and a fixed set of tables, NoSQL databases often do not have a fixed schema. This can make it difficult to model and organize data in a way that is efficient and easy to query. Additionally, the lack of a fixed schema can make it difficult to ensure data consistency and integrity.

Query complexity

Another challenge with NoSQL databases is query complexity. Because of the lack of a fixed schema and the use of denormalized data, it can be difficult to perform complex queries or joins across multiple collections. This can make it more difficult to extract insights from your data and can increase the time and resources required to perform data analysis.


NoSQL databases are often used for big data and real-time web applications, which means that they need to be able to scale horizontally. However, scaling a NoSQL database can be complex and requires careful planning. You may need to consider issues such as sharding, partitioning, and replication, as well as the impact of these decisions on query performance and data consistency.

Management and administration

Managing and administering a NoSQL database can be more complex than managing a traditional relational database. Because of the lack of a fixed schema and the need for horizontal scaling, it can be more difficult to ensure data consistency, perform backups and disaster recovery, and monitor performance. Additionally, many NoSQL databases have different management and administration tools than relational databases, which can add to the learning curve.

Vendor lock-in

Since NoSQL databases are still new, there are various different vendors with their own proprietary technologies and APIs. This makes it difficult to switch from one vendor to another. This is known as the vendor lock-in.

Data security

Ensuring the security of sensitive data is a critical concern for any organization. NoSQL databases, however, may not have the same level of built-in security features as relational databases. This means that additional measures may need to be put in place to secure data at rest and in transit, such as encryption and authentication.

Analytics and BI

NoSQL databases were not originally designed for OLAP, Data warehousing, OLTP, and advanced analytics. As a result, they may not have the same level of support for analytics and business intelligence (BI) as relational databases. This can make it more difficult to perform data analysis and extract insights from your NoSQL data.

Limited ACID support

ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) is a set of properties that ensure that database transactions are processed reliably. NoSQL databases generally provide less comprehensive ACID support compared to relational databases, which may make them less suitable for certain types of applications.

Lack of standardization

As the NoSQL space is still relatively new, there is a lack of standardization across different vendors and implementations. This can make it more difficult to compare different options and make informed decisions about which technology to use.

Troubleshooting and debugging

Because of the lack of standardization, troubleshooting and debugging can be more difficult when working with NoSQL databases. Different technologies and vendors may have different logging and monitoring capabilities, making it harder to identify and fix issues. Additionally, the lack of a fixed schema can make it more difficult to understand the underlying data structure and relationships.

Data governance

Data governance is the process of managing and controlling data throughout its lifecycle, from creation to disposal. NoSQL databases, with their lack of a fixed schema and the potential for unstructured data, may not have the same level of support for data governance as relational databases. This can make it more difficult to enforce data quality, data lineage, and data auditing.

Performance tuning

Performance tuning is the process of optimizing the performance of a database. NoSQL databases may have different performance characteristics than relational databases, which can make performance tuning more challenging. In addition, the lack of a fixed schema can make it more difficult to optimize query performance.

Multi-model databases

The concept of Multi-model database is to support multiple data models in a single database, they provide support for key-value, document, graph, and column-family data model, however, they may not offer the same level of performance or scalability as a dedicated database for each model.

Cloud-specific challenges

With the rise of cloud computing, more and more organizations are moving their databases to the cloud. However, this can come with its own set of challenges. For example, cloud providers may not offer the same level of support for NoSQL databases as they do for relational databases. Additionally, the cost of running a NoSQL database in the cloud can be higher than running it on-premises.

Backup and Recovery

NoSQL databases have different backup and recovery mechanisms when compared to the traditional relational databases, due to the unique data model and distributed architecture. This can make it more difficult to perform backups and disaster recovery. Some databases offer built-in backup and recovery options, while others may require additional tools and third-party solutions.

Human Errors

Due to the dynamic nature of NoSQL databases, it is quite common for human errors to happen, for example, data deletion or alteration. These errors can lead to data loss, data inconsistency and in some cases, data breaches. Organizations need to have strict protocols in place to minimize the chance of human errors happening and have proper disaster recovery plans in place.


In conclusion, while NoSQL databases offer many benefits, they also come with their own set of challenges. Data modeling and schema design, query complexity, scalability, management and administration, and vendor lock-in are among the most significant challenges that developers and administrators face when working with these databases. Careful planning and a good understanding of the capabilities and limitations of different NoSQL technologies can help you overcome these challenges and get the most out of your NoSQL data store.

Updated on: 16-Jan-2023

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