Centralized Clock Synchronization

What is Centralized Clock Synchronization?

The process of internal clock synchronization in which different clocks of a system are synchronized with one standard clock of the system is referred to as centralized clock synchronization. In other words, an internal clock synchronization approach where the system clock is synchronized across all devices in a network with the help of a centralized server is referred to as centralized clock synchronization.

  • The centralized clock synchronization is important to ensure the smooth operation of all devices in the network that are operating and communicating with each other on the same timeline.

  • The centralized clock synchronization becomes essential in distributed systems that require multiple devices to work together to accomplish a common task. In operating systems, the centralized clock synchronization is used for a number of purposes like scheduling tasks, network synchronization, etc.

  • In operating systems, the centralized clock synchronization is done by using clock synchronization protocols like Network Time Protocol (NTP). Network Time Protocol (NTP) is one of the most extensively used type of clock synchronization protocols.

  • In centralized clock synchronization, all the clocks in a network are made to operate on the same value. This is achieved by appointing a clock as master clock. All other clocks are treated as slave clocks, and they are made to synchronize with the master clock.

Now, let us understand the working of centralized clock synchronization.

Working of Centralized Clock Synchronization

Centralized clock synchronization works by having all the slave clocks in a system receive time updates from a master clock that acts as the time reference for the entire system/network.

The working of centralized clock synchronization is described as follows −

The master clock maintains an accurate and stable time, and it is considered as the primary time reference. This master clock communicates with all other slave clocks for synchronization. The slave clocks adjust their time to mate the received time update from the master clock.

In an operating system, the centralized clock synchronization is very important to ensure the integrity of various system functions. For example, scheduling tasks is an important function performed by the operating system, where the clock synchronization plays an important role. In scheduling tasks, the system clock determined the order and timing of the tasks. If there is no centralized clock synchronization, then task scheduling process becomes unreliable and unpredictable.

Advantages of Centralized Clock Synchronization

The major advantages of centralized clock synchronization are as follows −

  • Centralized clock synchronization improves the system performance and user experience.

  • Centralized clock synchronization improves the accuracy of the system.

  • It simplifies the management of devices in the network by eliminating the need of individual time reference for each device.

  • It also enhances the security of the system by providing a consistent time reference.

  • Centralized clock synchronization reduces the cost and increases the efficiency.


In an operating system, the centralized clock synchronization is one of the important processes to ensure the reliable and predictable operation of a system. Centralized clock synchronization ensures that all the devices in a distributed system are working on the common timeline.

Updated on: 26-Jul-2023


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