Case Law: Definition and Meaning

While arguing the case; more often, you might have observed that the advocates of both the parties (in both civil and criminal cases) quote decided cases along with the relevant laws. They enlist most of the decided cases, which were already decided by higher courts in the past.

What is the Case Law?

Case law, also known as precedent, defines the rule or rules, which was set by higher court (either High Court or Supreme Court) while deciding the case in the past. Such rules need to be followed (in a similar situation) by the deciding court itself and essentially by lower courts. Furthermore, case law plays a critical role in the interpretation of law because it gives knowledge of how courts have translated and connected lawful standards in specific cases. Attorneys utilize these cases to learn the subtleties of legitimate standards, pick up knowledge about how courts decipher the law, and apply those standards to particular legitimate circumstances.

Part as a Point of Reference

Since case law sets a point of reference, future cases must follow the lawful standards set up in the previous case. Lawful experts depend on points of reference to supply direction and clarity to their clients, to understand the limits of legitimate contentions, and to anticipate how courts will translate the law in future cases. Lawful writings require references and citations to case law to back up legal contentions. The capacity to recognize significant cases, analyze them, and utilize them successfully in legitimate reports is of extraordinary significance to the legitimate calling.

Key choice-making

Complex, legitimate circumstances require lawyers to make vital choices based on their understanding of Indian law. Knowing and translating critical cases is fundamental for lawful experts to create educated choices that secure the interface with their clients.

Professional Development

Keeping Indian case law up-to-date is important for the professional development of legal professionals. It demonstrates their legal knowledge, increases their credibility with clients, and establishes them as experts in their field.

Other Vital Sentencing Choices

In addition to the three categories of case law depicted above, there may be re-appraisal choices in a few rule frameworks that are especially vital to an understanding of how that framework works. Such a case might include issues partitioned from or broader than the rules themselves (for example, a sacred challenge to the rules and/or critical statutory sentencing arrangements) or an elucidation of specific angles of the rules other than the flight rules talked about in portion 2 (e.g., a case including a critical clarification concerning the computation of the criminal history score).

This area will incorporate other cases like this that offer assistance in clarifying the application of the rules. There may be other case law within the purview that addresses sentencing in general (e.g., clarifying the definition of a "predatory offender" in order to apply a statutory sentencing improvement), but the case law outlined within the Sentencing Rules Asset Center will not cover those issues. Instead, the rundowns will, as it were, address case law that's specifically related to the application of the rules.


In summary, Indian Jurisprudence is an integral aspect of Indian legal practice. They provide insight into legal principles, set precedents, support the preparation of legal documents, support strategic decision-making, and contribute to the professional development of legal professionals. Understanding the importance of Indian jurisprudence is essential for law students and legal professionals wishing to pursue a successful legal career in India. Libra's Judgment search platform is easy to use and offers a variety of search options to help you quickly find the information you need. Plus, our platform is secure and private, so you can rest assured that your searches are safe and your information is protected.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the precedent?

Precedent is the law based on a judicial decision rather than a law, statute, or regulation. Jurisprudence deals with individual disputes that are resolved by courts on the basis of the specific facts of the case. Laws and regulations, on the other hand, are abstract.

What is Indian Jurisprudence?

Jurisprudence, in law, defines, "knowledge of the law." It is the field of law that explains and analyze the evolution of laws and legal systems over period in time. It analyzes the evolution and explanation of general principles upon which actual rules of law are based. Likewise, it is largely concerned with the rules of external conducts which people are compelled to obey.

Why is it important to read case law?

First of all, we need to read case law to understand what the law is. Many of the most important legal rules and principles are not enshrined in law and are embodied only in imperfect judicial decisions. Moreover, even the legislature is seldom an independent constitutional state.

How important is good jurisprudence to legal studies?

Indian jurisprudence is an important source of information for legal research, providing insight into legal principles, case law, and legal interpretation. However, conducting legal research can be a time-consuming and difficult task, especially for those new to the field.

Is jurisprudence the source of Indian law?

The source of Indian law is the Constitution, which duly recognizes statutes, jurisprudence, and customary law in accordance with its provisions. Laws are enacted by legislatures, state legislatures, and federal territorial legislatures.

Updated on: 13-Oct-2023


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