Cascadeless in DBMS

Cascadeless in DBMS: Understanding and Implementing the Concept

A database management system (DBMS) is a software that is used to store, organize, and manage data in a structured manner. One of the key concepts in DBMS is cascading, which refers to the automatic propagation of changes made to the data in one table to the related data in other tables. While cascading can be convenient in many cases, it can also lead to unintended consequences, such as data loss. To mitigate this, many DBMSs allow for the use of cascadeless operations, which prevent cascading from taking place.

In this article, we will explain the concept of cascadeless in DBMS, and show you how to implement it in popular database management systems such as MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Understanding Cascading in DBMS

Cascading is a feature that is typically found in DBMSs that use the relational model, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL. The relational model is based on the idea of linking tables together through the use of keys. For example, a table called "customers" might have a primary key called "customer_id", while a table called "orders" might have a foreign key called "customer_id" that references the "customer_id" primary key in the "customers" table.

When cascading is enabled, any changes made to the data in the "customers" table, such as updating a customer's name, will automatically propagate to the "orders" table, updating the corresponding customer's name in the "orders" table as well. Similarly, when a customer is deleted from the "customers" table, all of their corresponding orders will be deleted from the "orders" table.

While cascading can be useful in many cases, it can also lead to unintended consequences. For example, if a customer's name is accidentally changed or a customer is accidentally deleted, all of their corresponding orders will also be affected. Additionally, cascading can make it difficult to track the origin of data changes, as the changes may have been propagated from another table.

Preventing Cascading with Cascadeless Operations

To prevent cascading from taking place, DBMSs provide the option of performing cascadeless operations. A cascadeless operation is a type of operation that prevents cascading from taking place, regardless of whether cascading is enabled for the table. Cascadeless operations are typically implemented by specifying the "cascadeless" keyword when performing the operation.

Implementing Cascadeless Operations in MySQL


In MySQL, cascadeless operations can be implemented using the "cascadeless" keyword when performing an update or delete operation on a table. For example, to update a customer's name without causing cascading, the following SQL query can be used −

UPDATE customers CASCADELEss SET name='John Doe' WHERE customer_id=1;

Similarly, to delete a customer without causing cascading, the following SQL query can be used −

DELETE FROM customers CASCADELEss WHERE customer_id=1;

Implementing Cascadeless Operations in PostgreSQL


In PostgreSQL, cascadeless operations can be implemented using the "ON CASCADELEss" clause when performing an update or delete operation on a table. For example, to update a customer's name without causing cascading, the following SQL query can be used −

UPDATE customers SET name='John Doe' WHERE customer_id=1 ON CASCADELEss;

Similarly, to delete a customer without causing cascading, the following SQL query can be used −

DELETE FROM customers WHERE customer_id=1 ON CASCADELEss;

It is important to note that cascadeless operations will only prevent cascading from taking place on the specific table that is being operated on. If other tables have foreign keys that reference the table being operated on and cascading is enabled for those tables, the changes made to the primary table will still propagate to the other tables.

Manually Handling Cascading with Triggers

Another way to control cascading is by using triggers. A trigger is a set of instructions that are automatically executed in response to a specific event, such as an update or a delete operation. Triggers can be used to manually handle cascading, by performing specific actions before or after a cascading operation takes place. For example, a trigger can be used to keep a record of all changes made to a table or to prevent certain changes from propagating to other tables.

Triggers can be implemented in MySQL and PostgreSQL using the CREATE TRIGGER statement.


For example, the following trigger in MySQL would prevent the deletion of a customer if they have any orders associated with them −

CREATE TRIGGER prevent_deletion BEFORE DELETE ON customers FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE customer_id = OLD.customer_id) > 0 THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Cannot delete customer with existing orders'; END IF; END;

In this way triggers can be used to add more custom behaviour and fine grained control over cascading operation in DBMS.


Cascadeless operations can be a useful tool for preventing unintended consequences when working with relational databases. By using cascadeless operations, or manually handling cascading with triggers, you can ensure that changes to the data in one table do not automatically propagate to other tables. However, it's also important to understand that cascading can be useful in many cases, and it's important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks when deciding whether or not to use cascadeless operations.

In this article, we have provided an overview of cascading in DBMS and how to implement cascadeless operations in popular databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL. We also discussed how triggers can be used for more fine-grained control over cascading. By understanding and utilizing the cascadeless operations, you can ensure the data integrity and maintain your database in a more optimal and controlled way.

Updated on: 12-Jan-2023

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