Careers in Virtual Reality

VR or Virtual Reality is when a simulated environment is created with the use of computer technology and gives a 3D experience to the viewer, complete with enhanced and realistic interaction ability of the viewer with the artificially projected environment displayed.

In the last few years, VR Headsets or Head Mounted Displays (HMD) have become extremely popular and quite accessible to the public.

Google Cardboard, Meta, Samsung Gear VR, Avegant Glyph, Epson Movario, to name a few. The level of immersion and interaction with the 3D world has improved threefold and there’s no stopping them. Sensory accessories upgrade the participation levels of VR action. Adaptable sounds, smells and even kinetic and tactile effects are added to the videos for overwhelmed phenomenon. This opens up the sector to endless possibilities. The role of VR is right in everyday life; meetings, personal communication, to monitor work, gaming, training, and in turn reducing expenditure and increasing the quality of contact is a magnetic pull enough to witness the rise of VR today.

The role of VR is right in everyday life; meetings, personal communication, to monitor work, gaming, training, and in turn reducing expenditure and increasing the quality of contact is a magnetic pull enough to witness the rise of VR today.

Careers in Virtual Reality

When it comes to information, the internet has spoilt us and convenience is key. Concurrently, being able to get your hands on this technology and related items has played a major role in sales and marketing where VR can help with. All the bigwigs seem to be moving to a virtual world, with the biggest hirers including Facebook, Apple, Oculus VR, Google, Walt Disney, Samsung, John Deere and many more upcoming ventures with demand for this skill has a 37% increase in jobs in connected fields.

Software Engineers, 3D professional, developer, Associated User Experience Designer, etc. are some jobs roles that are created in the VR field.

Major sectors where Virtual Reality can be helpful are:

Entertainment Industry


The top contender that VR has its hands in, is the Gaming Industry. LazyBoss Paper Chuck, SpaceQuest, HOVR, Artsy, Candy Kingdom, Arkham VR, BattleZone VR, DriveClub VR are among the bounteous games that are enhanced with the virtual experience.

Entropia Universe, a digital world with an economy where players can actually do transactions with virtual money (bought with real money) is a small example where games are integrating life situations and using them to create an alternate universe but still keeping the real world alive.

Movies and Videos

More and more videos are made in VR software so that the viewer feels a part of the experience completely. The future of 3D movies is VR and a possibility in the near years.

Concerts and Theatre

Concerts and plays are taking a leap ahead with utilizing VR technology to compliment the music and sights to increase the amusement of those attending the events.

Software engineers, 3D artists, computer science professionals, Web Developers, avatar programmers, research and development, mobile developers are all sought for in this field.

Aviation, Medicine and Military

The second most important use for VR is training; military, healthcare, education. Using VR means, being able to create situations where the viewers can react accordingly and is the next best option to “field experience”. Imparting education can be made practical with virtual reality and it can also help doctors and patients with surgeries that can in turn, help in healing. Virtual Reality is already being used as therapy for patients who suffer from phobias, fears, memory loss, mental illness, emotional strength etc.

Technical knowledge can help to work with these sectors to create a customized virtual reality tour that can help trainees in obtaining maximum reality experience.

Marketing and Product Development

Marketers are trying everything they can to sell their product. With the technology of VR, companies can show the buyer how their life will be, if they buy their product. The immersion and memorability of a product or service is enhanced by using sensory additions to their VR videos and the client can get lured in. Not only that, but designing products and services and their status can be monitored to limit errors and to improve productivity.

Only a matter of time before VR will be used extensively and in the most creative ways possible leading to more jobs for VR techies.


Shopping can be made easier with utilizing the tools of virtual imagery and effective visible access. Customers can visualize the product physically on themselves or in the space they wish to shop for and can even manipulate the product to get a better prospective. Many prominent companies have already joined the VR bandwagon.

Design and Architecture

This field benefits a lot with virtual reality tours, studying the scope of the development and design, to envision and tour of structure and practicality of architecture, and to be able to view the build from different locations will affect the sales and can be useful for businesses across the globe.

Development and architectural institutions can work with VR to assist their work and clients can put their view across more effectively.

Travel and Tourism

This can be a shortcut to all the travel anxieties where travelers can take a look at the places where they want to travel, beforehand and get acquainted easily.

Adventure and Hobbies

If you don’t have the convenience of a certain adventure or hobby or sport that you wish to try, go VR! Minus the commitment or the danger and you can experience firsthand at how it feels to actually do what experts and professionals make it seem so easy. Bunjee Jumping, paragliding, water sports, outdoor or even indoor activities all can be experienced with the VR gadgetry. This mechanization can also help with training and learning.

Every sector, looking to use Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality in its firm has to introduce changes right from the Marketing and Sales Department, through the Software Engineers, IT professionals, to Vision Engineers – backend and operations, Vision programmer, Research Engineer, Software developer, AR/VR Designer, to project manager and tech support. All roles, combined with the information and expertise of Augmented or Virtual knowledge can work in any field.

Updated on: 20-Jan-2020


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