Can you make a website with HTML only, without CSS?

HTML or hypertext markup language is used to create frameworks/skeleton for a web page but is it enough for making a full website? To answer this question you need to understand the scope of HTML and CSS, and understand if we were to create a website solely with HTML, how would it look like.

While HTML is used to build a web page, including the content, images, hyperlinks but CSS is used to progress this HTML content to visually appealing web pages. Let's look at the scopes of these languages now.


HTML offers websites a skeleton for their content. Content here could include images, urls and links. HTML is a beginner friendly language, which provides you with the foundational knowledge for web development.

Scope of HTML

  • Links − With the help of HTML, you can provide links and move from one website to another in a time span of seconds, thus links help you to connect different web pages.

  • Forms − HTML has form elements, for eg. "form," "input," "textarea," etc. which make it easier for users to submit their information. The form could be of any kind like login forms, search fields and contact forms.

  • Accessibility − HTML provides semantic elements and attributes that support accessibility features, enabling developers to build websites that are more inclusive and usable for people with disabilities.

  • A website's SEO can be positively impacted by properly structured HTML, meaningful content, and the use of semantic elements, making it more discoverable in search engine results.

  • Integration with Other Technologies − While HTML provides the framework and content, it can also be combined with other technologies like JavaScript and CSS to produce interactive and dynamic websites.

Advantages of only using HTML

  • Speed and simplicity − Because you're only using HTML, the development process may go more quickly. You can concentrate only on the information and organization of the website because there are no additional files to manage.

  • Lightweight Pages − Since HTML-only websites don't need to load any external stylesheets or scripts, they tend to be lightweight. This can result in quicker page loads and improved performance, especially on older or slower internet-connected devices.

  • Compatibility − All current web browsers support HTML, so a website that uses only HTML will function flawlessly on a variety of devices.

  • Accessibility − You can design a more usable website for people with disabilities by concentrating on semantic HTML elements and using appropriate structure.

  • Ease of Maintenance − An HTML-only website can be easier to maintain with a simple codebase, especially for small projects or static content.

Disadvantages of only using HTML

  • Limited Design and Styling − The website lacks visual appeal without CSS. Complex layouts, lovely typography, and sophisticated design elements are not possible with just HTML. The website will appear unstyled and unappealing.

  • No Interactivity − A website cannot use HTML to add dynamic behavior or interactivity. You'll need JavaScript if you want features like form validation, interactive navigation, animations, or real-time updates.

  • Uneven Appearance − Because different browsers render HTML elements differently, your website may not look the same on all platforms and devices.

  • Time-consuming Updates − Making design changes to the website can be time-consuming because you'll have to modify each individual HTML element if there isn't the separation of content and presentation (achieved with CSS).

  • Poor User Experience − A website without JavaScript and CSS may not offer the kind of user experience that contemporary web users have come to expect. It might appear dated and less interesting, which could result in a higher bounce rate.

  • Limited Functionality − JavaScript is frequently used on modern websites to implement responsive navigation, dynamic content loading, and third-party integrations. This isn't possible with just the help of HTML.

Points to keep in mind

As we just read, there are many advantages and disadvantages to just working with HTML, but we can follow certain things to improve the user experience.

  • Using HTML features to fullest − Because we aren't using any other language, using HTML to the fullest is the way to go. HTML offers way too many features which can be used to make your webpage better, like using semantics appropriately.

  • Make use of hyperlinks − because there wouldn't be buttons while making a website with just HTML, use hyperlinks to your advantage.

  • Test − Test the code in all kinds of browsers to check if its supported by them.

  • Optimize − Optimize for different devices using , to make it an all device friendly web page.

  • Content − Keep the content in manageable sections so that even without tools it looks presentable.

Why is any other tool important?

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

  • Visual Styling − CSS provides designers with the freedom to make their goal a reality. It provides designers with design options, color options, font options as well as other visual elements. It separates the content from design and presentation, which makes it easier to update and maintain designs.

  • Responsive Web Design − Responsive web design is possible just because of CSS. It makes it possible for websites to look visually appealing in different kind of devices.

  • Cross-Browser Compatibility − CSS contributes to a unified user experience by ensuring uniform appearance across various web browsers.


  • Interactivity − JavaScript, a potent scripting language, makes web pages more interactive. In order to increase user engagement, it enables developers to create dynamic elements like image sliders, form validation, pop-up dialogs, and more.

  • Client-Side Functionality − By implementing client-side functionality with JavaScript, you can minimize the need for server interactions and improve user experience.

  • Real-Time Updates − JavaScript enables real-time updates to web pages, enabling the development of live chat programs, alert systems, and dynamic content loading.

All the tools add something to the webpage, and some of them are very important for user experience, thus if not for these tools, you would have to either manually check for it or you website would lack those features.


Concludingly, it is possible to make a webpage using just HTML, it has its own advantages and disadvantages. But it is always preferred to make use of other languages that are made for specific functions and can do something for your Web page, like CSS, for making the web page visually appealing and JavaScript for making the web page interactive.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2023

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