Can we implement one interface from another in java?

No, we cannot implement one interface from another you can just extend it using the extends keyword as −

interface ArithmeticCalculations{
   public abstract int addition(int a, int b);
   public abstract int subtraction(int a, int b);
interface MathCalculations implements ArithmeticCalculations{
   public abstract double squareRoot(int a);
   public abstract double powerOf(int a, int b);

Still, if you try to implement one interface from another using the implements keyword. The compiler does not recognize the implements keyword after the name of the interface and throws a compile time error saying “'{' expected”.


In the following Java program, we have two interfaces namely, ArithmeticCalculations and MathCalculations and, we are trying to implement on interface from the other.

interface ArithmeticCalculations{
   public abstract int addition(int a, int b);
   public abstract int subtraction(int a, int b);
interface MathCalculations implements ArithmeticCalculations{
   public abstract double squareRoot(int a);
   public abstract double powerOf(int a, int b);

Compile time error

On compiling, the above program generates the following compile time error −

Output error: '{' expected
interface MathCalculations implements ArithmeticCalculations{
1 error

If you compile the same program using eclipse it gives you a compile time error suggesting that “extends keyword is expected instead of implements”.

Updated on: 29-Jun-2020


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